having a daily life of the New Jerusalem: drinking from the river of life and eating the tree of life!

This morning I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that today we as believers are living the life of the New Jerusalem today! What we see in Revelation that happens in the New Jerusalem is / should be our experience today – only on a smaller scale!

In that day when we arrive at the ultimate consummation of the divine revelation, we will not be surprised at what we see/are because today we are experiencing the same thing! What will be in the New Jerusalem is an intensification and a consummation of our present experience!

And what do we experience / enjoy today? We see a clear picture of what the New Jerusalem is about / what we enjoy today in Rev. 22:1-2,

1 And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street.
2 And on this side and on that side of the river was the tree of life, producing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

Hallelujah, in the New Jerusalem we will enjoy the throne of God, the river of life flowing out of the throne, the tree of life growing in the river of life, and the golden street!

And this is what we also enjoy daily in this age, only at a smaller scale. Concerning these verses, I enjoyed the footnotes that show us what it means / how can we experience and enjoy these items today. Here are some things I enjoyed:

  • The throne of God and of the Lamb – our God is the Redeeming God, the Lamb-God, and He is on the throne! When we enthrone Him in our being, He as the Redeeming one brings us back to God, to a right position before Him, and there is a river of water of life flowing! (Rev. 22:1, note 5)
  • A river of water of life – when we enthrone the Lord in us, there’s a river of water of life flowing for our satisfaction and supply! This river is actually the Triune God – God, the Lamb, and the Spirit as the water of life – dispensing Himself into us, His redeemed people, who are under His headship! And this is a continual and eternal process / event – today and for eternity we will enjoy the Triune God flowing into us for our supply and satisfaction, as we enjoy Him and enthrone Him in our being! (Rev. 22:1, note 6)
  • In the middle of its street – the golden street in the New Jerusalem typifies the divine nature of God which we received at our regeneration. As we daily walk according to the divine nature in us, we have the flow of the divine life in us. Where the divine life flows, there the divine nature is as the holy way by which God’s people walk! And when we walk on the holy way of the divine nature, we have the divine life flowing in us! Our whole life is a continual process of learning to live by the divine nature and enjoying the sweet flow of life! (Rev. 22:2, note 1)
  • The tree of life – grows on both sides of the river, which means that the tree of life is a vine tree spreading and proceeding along the river of life, reaching out to everyone hungry! This is what God intended from the beginning in Gen. 2:9, to have the tree of life available for everyone to eat and partake of! The tree of life today is our common portion for our enjoyment (John 6:35, 57), and it will also be the reward in the kingdom for the overcoming believers (Rev. 2:7). Where the Spirit as the river of life flows, Christ as the tree of life grows! This is all in and with the divine nature as our holy way! And this is our supply every day – as we walk according to the divine nature, we enjoy the tree of life and the water of life! We are being supplied and satisfied, and we live a life of the New Jerusalem today! (Rev. 22:2, note 1)
  • The tree is bearing fruit every month – a continually fresh fruit, every month, for our enjoyment! This fruit of the tree of life is rich, fresh, and sufficient for the carrying out of God’s eternal administration! Today we are enjoying the fresh fruit of the tree of life daily – it is our portion as believers in Christ! (Rev. 22:2, note 2)

Amen! Wow, what can I say… today we can experience the throne of God and of the Lamb out of which flows the Triune God for our enjoyment. As we experience the throne in our whole being daily, there is a flow of the Spirit of life – the divine life in resurrection as our drink daily!

This river is crystal clear, with no opaqueness or dimness, purifying us and making us crystal clear! Also, we enjoy the tree of life with fresh fruit for our supply daily!

Lord, may we live such a life today, enjoying You in such a way!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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