the highest and fullest experience of God is taking God as our dwelling place

the highest and fullest experience of God is taking God as our dwelling placeIn Psalm 90 we see the fact that the saints can dwell in God – we can take God as our habitation, our eternal dwelling place! In Psalm 91 we see the way for us to dwell in God – by being identified with Christ, which requires us to abide in Him.

Psalm 92 describes the glorious issue of our dwelling in God and taking God as our dwelling place.

The highest and the fullest experience of God is taking God as our habitation, our dwelling place! This experience is in degrees and it belongs to all of us – we all can enter into the highest and fullest experience of God – God as our dwelling place!

The highest and fullest experience of God

Enosh called on the name of Jehovah, Enoch walked with God, Abraham had a meal with God, and David cared for God’s heart to build the house of God, but no one except Moses could utter such a statement, Jehovah, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.

The God Enosh called on, Enoch walked with, Abraham had a meal with, and David built a house for – is actually our dwelling place!

Calling on the Lord, walking with Him, having a meal with Him, and building a house for God are very good experiences, but the fullest experience and the highest experience of God is dwelling in God!

Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on the mountain with God, and he really experienced God as his dwelling place! God is not “our motel” or “our six star hotel”, but a place where we can make our home, our dwelling place!

Most of our experience and enjoyment of the Lord is very short-lived – 20-30 minutes, but God wants us to DWELL IN HIM!

He wants us to spend much time with Him – in every aspect of our living, from the morning to the evening, we need to contact the Lord and dwell in Him. If we have the realization that God is our dwelling place, we will be revolutionized in our living!

How can we dwell in God?

The key to us dwelling in God is Christ – it is Christ who dwells in God, and we can dwell in God by being IN Christ! Col. 2:6, As therefore you have received Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him!

By believing into the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive Him and we are brought into an organic union with Christ. We now daily eat Christ, taking Him in by enjoying Him constantly.

Let us therefore walk in Him! We have been brought into a realm – Christ as the embodiment of God realized as the life-giving Spirit opens an all-inclusive realm, and He wants us to walk in Him by being organically united to Him!

To dwell in God is to have our whole living in Him. Our entire being, from morning to evening, needs to be in God! Start in the morning when you wake up – Lord Jesus, thank You for a new day! I Love You, Lord!

When you wash your face tell the Lord, O, Lord, I want to wash my face with You! All the day long, thank the Lord, praise the Lord, pray to Him, apply Him to every matter and situation.

Our real life is hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3) – we need to practice living in God! Our human life is temporal, fragile, mortal, and frail – but we can live and dwell in God, depending helplessly on Him!

Four words related to abiding in God

The New Testament is full of verses encouraging us to abide in Christ (John 15), live in Christ, walk in Christ, have our whole being in Christ, and be one with Christ. Related to our dwelling in God, there are at least four words that explain it and show how this is to us:

  1. “IN” – Greek, EN. if anyone is IN Christ. Our position matters – where are you? Not only what are you doing, but where are you? We are in Christ – it is of God that we are in Christ Jesus!
  2. “ABIDE” – Greek, MENO, implying remaining. This is not a light word, it is not a short stay, but a long term remaining. We need to abide in Christ as the vine (see John 15:5).
  3. “DWELL” – Greek, OIKEO, meaning dwelling, making our home. 1 Cor. 3:6 says that the Spirit of God dwells in us, making His home in us. God is our dwelling place and we are His dwelling place.
  4. “MAKE HOME DEEPLY”, Greek, KATOIKEO, referred to in Eph. 3:17. Christ wants to make His home deeply down in our heart; He wants to be rooted and firmly homed in our heart, in all our being.

We are IN Christ, we need to ABIDE in Christ, we need to DWELL in God (as He dwells in us), and we need to further allow Christ to make His home deep down in our heart!

There are many ways the Bible reveals we can do this – by obeying the teaching of the anointing within (1 John 2:27), by keeping God’s commandments and being submissive to God, by eating the hidden Christ as the hidden manna, by daily getting into the constant Word to obtain the Rhema Present Word of God, by loving the Lord, always rejoicing, and giving thanks, and by bearing much fruit!

Praise the Lord for out identification with Christ to abide in God!

[sharing inspired from message 4 given by brother James Lee in the 2011 winter training on, Crystallization Study of Psalms (2), on the topic, The highest and fullest experience of God – taking God as our habitation, our eternal dwelling place. What a rich portion! Read a similar sharing via, The Highest and Fullest Experience of God-Taking God as Our Habitation]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
12 years ago

 It is amazing that the Lord prepare for us highest and fullest experience of Him!"Our human life is temporal, fragile, mortal, and frail… – but…Praise the Lord! God wants us to DWELL IN HIM! HE WANTS US to spend much time with Him –IN EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVING…Wow! From the morning to the evening, we need to contact the Lord and dwell in Him!
God does not want and is not “our motel” or “our six star hotel”, but a place where we can make OUR HOME, OUR DWELLING PLACE…WOW!
Praise the Lord that we can live and dwell in God, depending helplessly on Him! "Lord bless us such highest and fullest experience of  You  in our daily living. Lord keep us in the spirit – turning to You in every situation. 

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
12 years ago

 It is amazing that the Lord prepare for us highest and fullest experience of Him!”Our human life is temporal, fragile, mortal, and frail… – but…Praise the Lord! God wants us to DWELL IN HIM! HE WANTS US to spend much time with Him –IN EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVING…Wow! From the morning to the evening, we need to contact the Lord and dwell in Him!
God does not want and is not “our motel” or “our six star hotel”, but a place where we can make OUR HOME, OUR DWELLING PLACE…WOW!
Praise the Lord that we can live and dwell in God, depending helplessly on Him! “Lord bless us such highest and fullest experience of  You  in our daily living. Lord keep us in the spirit – turning to You in every situation.