The Foundation, Purpose, Principles and Practice of Morning Revival

God, if You are real, be real to me!My Foundation: To know Him the Lord has been my aspiration since my prayer in 1970, “God, if You are real, be real to me.”

In the spring of 1973 I was introduced to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee through some faithful brothers. These brothers taught me that the best and most simple way to touch the Lord was to call on the name of the Lord Jesus. He is rich to all who call upon Him (Rom. 10:13). No can say Lord Jesus except in the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3).

I learned to take in the Bible by means of all prayer by pray-reading. By the Lord’s mercy and grace, I am still maintaining these life practices day by day.

Purpose: Each morning it is my desire to turn my heart to the Lord and to touch Him in my spirit.

The best way I have found to do that is to call on the Lord and pray-read while using the printed Holy Word for Morning Revival material. Each time I start a new volume I read the Preface as a reminder and refresher of the purpose of this material.

I usually underline the same phrases each time; e.g. “This book is intended as an aid to believers in developing a daily time of morning revival with the Lord in His word.” Also, “Through intimate contact with the Lord in His word the believers can be constituted with life and truth and thereby equipped to prophesy in the meetings of the church unto the building up of the Body of Christ.”

Principles of Morning Revival with the Lord

My focus is the Lord Himself. I want to find Him, not merely search the Scriptures (John 5:39-40). I want to be in His presence and hear only His voice. The life practices of calling and pray-reading are a big help in this matter.

I want to convert the Logos (God’s constant word) to Rhema (God’s instant spoken word). Footnote 16 (2) for 2 Timothy 3:16 says,

“We must strike the Spirit of the Scripture with our spirit to catch the divine fire.”

The Practice of the Morning Revival

I read the title and the main points of the message every morning. This helps me get a sense of the big picture and burden. Then, I read the outline portion for that day. This opens my understanding as I read the Bible verses and ministry readings.

I read everything out loud – this slows me down and I can hear what I am reading. “Faith comes out of hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17).

I also underline what impresses me and often write a short summary of a few words to capture the essence of this point. Often, I write out the quote either at the end of the reading and/or in my journal.

I usually pray over what impressed me, or I may write out a question of what is not clear to me and I don’t know how to apply it to my life. These then become things for me to muse on during the day and possibly fellowship with someone.

Being Quickened and “Interrupted” Some Days…

Occasionally, a verse will be quickened to me during sleep. I find it helpful to read that same verse and pray-read to it when I wake up. My sense is that this is the Spirit speaking to me and I need to pay attention. The same applies to a hymn I start to sing in the morning.

These “interruptions” may fill the whole time for that morning. I may go to the printed material later in the day. If I do read it during my personal time, I find I get more out of it after I have remained in the verse or hymn first.

The main thing is to touch the Lord Himself. Not merely follow a routine.

Lord, I would linger here,
Still seeking after Thee,
Continue in the Word and prayer
Till Thou dost flow thru me.
Hymns #812

Sharing by bro. Anthony D. Pfeiffer concerning his experience and enjoyment in practicing the morning watch and morning revival (part 2). What is your experience with the Lord in the morning? Share it with us as a comment below, or email it to be considered for posting at

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