God Himself Operates in us Through His Living Word as we Walk in the Divine Light

1 John 1:5-6 And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and are not practicing the truth.

In the experience of God’s loving seekers, the word of God is a realm of light. If we have the right attitude toward God when we come to His word, that is, if we come to the word of God as His loving seekers, we will enter into the realm of the divine light, which is the nature of God’s expression. Our seeking, our attitude, and our condition determines a lot of what we receive and experience of God in His word.

The main point concerning God’s word is that it is a realm of light; when we come to God in His word, if our condition is correct – if we are normal and right with the Lord – each time we approach the word of God we will have the sensation that we are in a realm, an atmosphere, and a condition of nothing but light.

God is light, and in Him there is NO darkness at all. Only God is light. It is impossible to encounter light without encountering God. God is the Father of lights, and He dwells in unapproachable light; He is wrapped with light as a garment. The nature of God’s expression is light. When we see light, we see God. Unless we met God, there’s no way for us to meet light.

The so-called human enlightenment is fake, temporary, and unreal; only God is light, and when we see God, we see light. For this reason, we need to be pure in heart. The only way we can see God is by having a pure heart. It is hard to find someone who is pure in heart today. Without a pure heat we cannot see God.

All the things in this universe can cause our heart to be impure; even good things like seeking spirituality, serving God, caring for our family, and doing good things can distract us from God and blur our view of God who is light. But when we are pure in heart, we see God, and when we see Him we see light. When we see God we are filled with light automatically, completely, and overwhelmingly.

If we don’t see light, the problem is not with God – on His side God is light, He opened up His word, He is a realm of light, and He shines; the problem is always on our side – there’s some covering, some closed doors, an obsession, a desire for something or someone else, pride, arrogance, or anything that keeps us from the divine light.

We need to come to the Lord and ask Him,

Lord, deliver us from any kind of impurity. Purify our inner being. Lord, purify our heart. Cause our heart to have no other desire besides God Himself. We want to be focused on God entirely. Lord, may nothing and no one distract us from the enjoyment of God. We want to see God, be filled with God, and walk in the realm of light where God is! Lord, we are willing to deal with any problems that hinder the shining of the divine light!

The Function of the Word is the Function, the Operation, of God Himself

1 Thes. 2:13 And because of this we also thank God unceasingly that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but even as it truly is, the word of God, which also operates in you who believe. Phil. 2:13 For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure.The law given to Moses and to the people of Israel is the living word of God, and the function of the word is the operation of God Himself. The words in the Bible can’t give us light or life in themselves, but when God shines on His word, the word of God becomes living to us.

If we want to receive light from the Word of God, we must contact God when we read His word. When we contact God as we read His word, the God who operates in us. The word of God operates in us who believe (1 Thes. 2:13), and it is God who operates in us both the willing and the working (Phil. 2:13). The word of God is not static, inoperative, or merely knowledge-giving.

The word functions; the Bible we read operates, especially when we receive it as spirit and life into us (John 6:63). When we exercise our spirit and deal with our heart to pray over God’s word, God is operating in us as light.

However, it is a dangerous and most serious thing to resist light; to resist light is to resist God and the operation of God, to resist God’s moving in your being. We need to be open to the light, welcome the light, and never fight the light but rather ask for the Lord to shine on us as we come to his living word.

Hallelujah, when we read God’s word with an exercised spirit and a pure heart, the word of God operates in us, that is, God operates in us! God’s word is living and operative, sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit (Heb. 4:12). The word of God is constantly moving, doing something, operating, to accomplish what God desires.

Lord Jesus, we love You. We exercise our spirit as we come to Your word, and we want to deal with anything that would blur of vision or cause our heart to be impure. Lord, we open to Your shining in Your word. May Your word be living and operative in us. We allow You to operate in our being; Lord, we don’t want to resist the light but welcome Your shining, allowing You to operate in us and accomplish what You desire in our being!

The Divine Light is the Nature of God’s Expression and the Source of the Divine Truth

The divine light is the nature of God’s expression; it is the source of the divine truth. Light is God’s shining, God’s expression; when God is expressed, the nature of that expression is light. Because light is the source of truth, and truth is the issue of light, when we walk in the light, we practice the truth. Crystallization-Study of Exodus (2), outline 3God is light, and in Him there’s no darkness at all; if we say we have fellowship with God and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth (see 1 John 1:5-6). The top definition of the divine light is that the divine light is the nature of God’s expression. Spirit is the nature of God’s person, love is the nature of God’s essence, and light is the nature of God’s expression.

Whenever God is expressed, light is there; the divine light is the source of the divine truth. Truth is not merely some kind of teaching of doctrine; truth is the shining of light. Christ, the Word of God, became flesh and tabernacled among us, and He was filled with truth, with reality (and not with doctrine).

On God’s end there’s light, and when light comes to us, it becomes truth. Light is God’s shining, God’s expression; when God is expressed, the nature of that expression is light. When there’s no light, there’s no expression of God but rather there is darkness, the expression of the devil. Satan’s expression is darkness, God’s expression is light.

To walk in the divine light is to live, move, act, and have our being in the divine light – which is God Himself (see 1 John 1:7). When we walk in the divine light, we have fellowship with one another; the divine light is a realm in which we should walk. This means we should walk in God as light and abhor any kind of walk in darkness or the shadows.

The shining of God’s light makes old things new (1 John 2:7-8). This is our testimony when we come to God’s word; even though the Bible was written many years ago and we may have read it quite a few times, whenever we come to God’s word with an exercised spirit and a pure heart, the word of God is new and with fresh new light to us!

When we read the Bible, we receive new light, new shining, and new speaking from the Lord. The Bible never grows old, and the word of God never becomes decrepit; the word of God is always new, shining with new light. The shining of God’s light makes everything new.

To walk in the divine light is to live, move, act, and have our being in the divine light, which is God Himself. If we are under God’s dispensing, we participate in God’s nature as light and are constituted with this element of His nature. Witness LeeIf we are under God’s dispensing, we participate in God’s nature as light and we are constituted with this element of His nature (1 John 1:5; 2 Cor. 4:6). Moses was under God’s dispensing, and he began to participate in God’s nature – he shined forth with God’s light.

God doesn’t want to merely give us His word but He desires to transfuse Himself into us. We need to come to the word of God not merely for knowledge or encouragement but to be transfused with God. If we pray-read the word of God in a right condition, there will be a transfusion taking place. Whatever verse we turn to and read, if we are right with the Lord, His light will shine and the element of His nature will be constituted in our being.

We need to read the Bible and pray over God’s word with a pure heart, and we will be transfused with God until we become the same as He is in His constitution. The divine light is the source of the divine truth (John 1:5, 9; 18:37); when the divine light shines upon us, it becomes the truth – which is the divine reality (John 8:12, 32).

When the divine light shines, the divine things become real to us; if God’s light doesn’t shine, nothing is real, but when we have His shining, everything of God, Christ, the church, the Spirit, the Body of Christ, the riches of God, and God’s economy become real to us.

Because light is the source of truth, and truth is the issue of light, when we walk in the light, we practice the truth! When we walk in the light, we practice the truth; this is something automatic, continuous, spontaneous, and ceaseless.

Lord Jesus, purify our heart so that we may see God and have His shining as we come to God’s word. We want to have Your shining whenever we come to Your word. Lord, we treasure You, we love Your word, and we come to You with an exercised spirit and turned heart to have Your fresh shining. May Your light shine so that we may see the truth, walk in the light, and practice the truth. We reject any darkness, we confess our sins, and we want to practice the truth by being under Your shining light day by day!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, brother Minoru Chen’s sharing in the message for this week, and Life-study of 1 John, msgs. 7, 9-11 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Exodus (2), week 3 / msg 3, The Word of God Being a Realm of Light in the Experience of God’s Loving Seekers.
  • All Bible verses are taken from, Holy Bible Recovery Version.
  • Hymns on this topic to strengthen this burden:
    # O Word of God incarnate, / O Wisdom from on high, / O Truth unchanged, unchanging, / O Light of our dark sky, / We praise Thee for the radiance / That from the hallowed page, / A lantern to our footsteps, / Shines on from age to age. (Hymns #803)
    # Lord, the Spirit, Truth divine, / Dawn upon this heart of mine; / Word of God, and inward light, / Wake my spirit, clear my sight. (Hymns #281)
    # Walk in the light, thy path shall be / Serene and clear and bright; / For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee, / And God Himself is Light. (Hymns #658)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

After any kind of human commandment has been given, it gradually becomes old. Human commandments are not living. Because these commandments are not living, they never dawn and they never shine. But the commandment given by the Lord is His living word. Because His commandment is His living word, this word shines. When this living word dawns in the darkness, it dawns with heavenly light. The shining of heavenly light makes old things new. In particular, it makes the old commandment new, fresh, and full of light. (Witness Lee, Life-study of 1 John, p. 145)