God’s economy is fully accomplished by the exercise of our mingled spirit (as revealed in Ephesians)

Praise the Lord for God’s economy! The economy of God (His household administration according to His heart’s desire) revealed in the book of Ephesians is accomplished by the exercise of our mingled spirit for the dispensing of the Triune God into us unto the building up of the church as the Body of Christ (1 Tim. 1:3-6; Eph. 1:5; 1 Tim. 3:9)! Wow, what a statement!

In the book of Ephesians we see – in every chapter – the mingled spirit (which is our human spirit mingled with the divine Spirit which has been compounded, is all-inclusive, and has been consummated). When we turn to our spirit and we exercise our spirit, we touch the Body of Christ – because the Body is in our spirit!

It is so real and it is so practical – God’s economy to build up the Body of Christ is accomplished and carried out by our turning to the mingled spirit and our exercise of our spirit! In every chapter of the book of Ephesians we see the mingled spirit mentioned – for the building up of the Body of Christ!

  1. Ephesians 1:17 reveals that we need to pray to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see the mystery of God’s economy – which is to dispense Christ as the mystery of God into God’s chosen people to make them the reality of the Body of Christ as the mystery of Christ(Eph. 1:17-18; Col. 2:2). We need the revelation and the enlightenment to see the mystery of God’s economy – and then we also need to understand, to apprehend, what we see by the divine wisdom. This is all in our spirit for the building up of the Body!
  2. Ephesians 2:22 reveals that our spirit is the dwelling place of God! We are being built together into a dwelling place of God – in our mingled spirit! God as the Spirit mingled Himself with our spirit, and our spirit is His dwelling place. This is where God dwells, and this is how His economy is accomplished – in our mingled spirit!
  3. Ephesians 3:5 reveals that the mingled spirit is the means by which the revelation of Christ and the church is revealed to the apostles and prophets. If we are going to understand and realize the reality of God’s mysterious economy, we must learn to discern our spirit from our soul – and remain in our spirit! Also, in Eph. 3:16 we clearly see that our spirit is our inner man, our new person(our new man) – we need to be strengthened with power into the inner man for Christ to make His home in our heart – with the result that the reality of the Body life is being produced! When Christ came into us He came into our spirit; now He wants to continue to make His home into all the inward parts of our being, into all our heart! For this to happen, He strengthens us into our inner man, into our spirit, for the fulfillment of God’s economy!
  4. Ephesians 4:23 reveals that we need to allow the renewing Spirit mingled with our regenerated spirit to become the spirit of our mind! Wow, our troublesome mind can be invaded and occupied by the mingled spirit as we turn to our spirit and we exercise our spirit! As the mingled spirit spreads into our mind, it takes it over and occupies it – to the extent that it becomes the spirit of our mind! Here we are daily renewed until we become as new as the New Jerusalem for the reality of the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:24; Titus 3:5; 2 Cor. 4:16)!
  5. Ephesians 5:18 reveals that we need to be filled in spirit! Don’t be filled in the body with wine, but be filled with the beautifying, bride-preparing Spirit which is mingled with our spirit, so that we can be prepared to be Christ’s glorious church, His beautiful bride for His expression! How are we filled? It is by SPEAKING – psalms, spiritual songs, hymns, etc. By our speaking the Word of God through the exercise of our spirit, we are filled in spirit and we spontaneously are submissive to one another for the proper church life and the Body life (Eph. 5:26-27; Isa. 60:7; Gen. 1:26)!
  6. Ephesians 6:18 reveals that we must pray at every time in spirit – we need to pray not only with our mind, but with our mingled spirit! When we pray in spirit, we experience the “slaying Spirit” mingled with our spirit, and God’s adversary is killed within us! This will enable us to rule in the divine life of the Spirit over Satan, sin, and death for God’s dominion!

Wow, what a revelation! I thoroughly enjoyed all these points as dug out from the Bible and the ministry and presented in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on the Central Line of the Bible! To know God’s economy, to receive His dispensing, and to participate in Christ’s transmission, we must know, we must see, and we must exercise our spirit! We need to be spirit-exercising people for the accomplishing of God’s economy to build up the Body of Christ for the consummation of the New Jerusalem!

Amen, Lord, make us such people! Grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see the mystery of Your economy! Thank You, Lord, our spirit is the dwelling place of God! It is in our mingled spirit that God’s economy is fulfilled! Lord, strengthen us into our inner man so that Christ may make His home in our heart! Strenghen us into our spirit! May our spirit spread into our mind more and more until it becomes the spirit of our mind! We want to be filled in spirit! We want to pray in spirit for the accomplishing of Your economy!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

this is not "our concept" of how things work, but it surely looks like it is God's concept! God wants us to just come to Him and exercise our spirit – and when we do this, the Body of Christ is built up! God's economy is being accomplished when we exercise our spirit and turn to our spirit – wow, what a statement! Lord, make us those who exercise their spirit all the time!