Learning that our Time with the Lord in the Morning is Really a Revival

Eating is man's destiny, And the Lord's recovery, This defeats the enemy, Overcome! Come enjoy the tree of life, Leave the doctrines, leave the strife! Overcome by eating Christ, Overcome! (Hymns #1273)After many years of doing morning revival – from a young person to a working adult – and having many ups and downs, I have learned the lesson that our time with the Lord in the morning is really a revival.

As a young person, I appreciated the need for a time with the Lord in the morning as nourishment to start the day. Just as breakfast in the morning is crucial to start our day with proper nourishment for our physical bodies, morning revival is a crucial time to eat and enjoy the Lord as spiritual food. We need food so that we can be healthy and spiritually strong to live our daily lives.

There were also definitely times when I did morning revival simply as a duty because my relationship with the Lord wasn’t so sweet or intimate, but those kept me coming to the Lord even if I was far off from Him and still brought me nourishment in my driest times.

These mornings, I confess my great need for the Lord to be my life and ask Him to strengthen me into my inner man with power for this purpose. I ask Him to shine on me and expose anything hidden that might hinder my touching of Him.

By asking the Lord to fill me as life and light (and being fed spiritually), I am brought out of any deadness or darkness, and by that I am revived.

I freshly appreciate how multifarious the Lord’s wisdom is in His full salvation. He does not demand that we follow rules and regulations. Instead He saves us by feeding us. Who doesn’t enjoy food? The Lord’s salvation is a wonderful and enjoyable way to be saved from all that spiritually ails us.

But then, when we are spiritually happy because we are spiritually fed, the Lord’s life within comes to fill us and perform its automatic function of enabling us to live a life that God desires – a life of fulfilling His eternal purpose. No need for struggling or striving to be good or do something for God! Eating Jesus is the way that God gets what He is after!

Eating is man’s destiny,
And the Lord’s recovery,
This defeats the enemy, Overcome!
Come enjoy the tree of life,
Leave the doctrines, leave the strife!
Overcome by eating Christ, Overcome! (Hymns #1273)

Sharing by bro. Cephas S. (Los Angeles, CA, USA) from his experience of having a time of morning revival with the Lord in the morning.

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Paz A.
Paz A.
6 years ago


Fadi R.
Fadi R.
6 years ago

Overcome by eating Christ

Pearl P.
Pearl P.
6 years ago


Raquel T.
Raquel T.
6 years ago

Amen..Praise the Lord!

Monalissa G.
Monalissa G.
6 years ago

Hallelujah! Eating Jesus is the way…

Larry S.
Larry S.
6 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus You’re are our real food and real drink.