The Lord’s Ultimate Recovery is His Ultimate Move to Recover Christ and the Church

Matt. 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.We need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate situation (how God arranged the world situation for the spreading of the gospel), God’s ultimate move (which is in man to have Christ as their life for the Body of Christ), and the Lord’s ultimate recovery.

The world’s ultimate situation today involves the fact that God has used a particular country – the USA – to spread the central vision of Paul’s completing ministry to all the five continents.

We do not uplift or put down any country, but we can clearly see from the world history that God has used a certain country at a certain time for His move. He has used the Roman Empire for the spread of the gospel, He has used Germany for the translating of the Bible, He has used Great Britain for the spread of the gospel to many far away lands, and these days He is using the United States for His ultimate move.

What is God’s ultimate move? God’s ultimate move is to carry out His economy concerning Christ and the church; in His ultimate move God moves in us so that we may have Christ as our life flowing in us and transforming us that we may be functioning members of His Body.

For the Lord’s ultimate move we need to not only know about Christ and about the Body, but we need to experience Christ as the flowing life within us. We need to open to the Lord and allow Him to supply us, fill us, and saturate us with His element, and at the same time discharge our old and negative elements.

As this process takes place day by day, we are being transformed, we grow unto maturity, and we are built up in order that Christ may have His Body.

The Lord has recovered the matter of the preaching of the gospel (the complete, high gospel, the gospel of the kingdom); He has recovered the deeper truths in the Bible, and He has also brought in the matter of meeting according to the scriptural way of meeting.

The Lord today needs to gain a good number of believers who know Christ, enjoy Christ, take Christ as their life, live Christ, are saturated and permeated with Christ, grow in life, and are transformed by the divine life within them to be built up with their fellow believers to be the golden lampstand in their locality. This is what the Lord is after today among us.

The Direction of God’s Ultimate Move is Toward Europe; the Lord’s Recovery must Spread to Europe

Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age.According to the divine revelation in the Bible, throughout the history there’s a great human image being built up – the great human image dreamed by the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar.

The consummation of the human history is that man is ruling without God, man is trying to establish the human kingdom without God or His help, and man just becoming mankind in rebellion toward God.

However, as Daniel testified in Dan. 2:34-35, a stone will be cut without hands, and it will strike the image at its feed of iron and clay and it will crush them – and the entire human image will collapse; the stone, however, will become a great mountain and will fill the whole earth.

Christ with the overcomers is the great stone who will crush the two feet of the great image, which will be the crushing of the entire human image, the entire human government. Before this crushing transpires, the Lord’s recovery must spread to Europe and be rooted here.

Outwardly the great human image is being consummated and built, but inwardly we need to be those who cooperate with God’s ultimate move in the direction of Europe: we need to be one with the Lord in His move toward Europe.

Europe, where the gospel was so prevailing and from where many missionaries went to preach the gospel in the whole world, is now in darkness, in great need of the deeper truths in the Bible and the Lord’s recovery.

The people in Europe lie in darkness, and even the Brethren with their high teachings are becoming extinct, simply because they followed the letter but not having the Spirit.

The Far East and the United States have been reached and occupied by the Lord’s recovery, but Europe still remains as a region in which the Lord’s recovery needs to be rooted and grow.

Of the three influential factors in today’s world, the Far East and the United States have been occupied and taken by the Lord’s recovery. Europe still remains as a region in which the Lord’s recovery needs to be rooted and grow. I hope that we would bring this fellowship to the Lord and pray. We should tell the Lord, “Lord, these days are the consummation of the age. Lord, in these days rekindle my love toward You.” The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, p. 19, by Witness LeeWe need to come to the Lord and touch Him, open to Him, and ask Him to rekindle our love toward Him in these last days.

We don’t want to be swept away by the current in today’s world, neither do we want to merely passively enjoy the church life in our locality.

We want to learn to cooperate with the Lord’s move today, His ultimate move, by first allowing Him to saturate us and permeate us to build us up with the saints in His Body, and then by being one with Him in His move toward Europe.

The direction of God’s ultimate move is toward Europe, and the Lord’s recovery must spread to Europe so that many golden lampstands may be raised throughout this continent in many of the major cities, so that the Lord would have a sufficient expression here for His return.

He is ready to return, and the outward situation can be aligned with the prophecies and His move very quickly; He is only waiting for us, His people to cooperate with Him in His ultimate move.

Lord Jesus, these days are the consummation of the age. Lord, rekindle our love toward You. May we love You to the uttermost, and may we be one with You in Your ultimate move. May You gain many lampstands all throughout Europe in all the major cities. Lord, may Your kingdom come in Europe, and may Your will be done on this dark continent. Rise up in many saints today, Lord, that they may be one with You to spread Your recovery in Europe, so that Your recovery may be rooted here for Your ultimate move on earth!

The Lord’s Ultimate Recovery is His Ultimate Move to Recover Christ and the Church

The Lord wants to recover Christ, the mystery of God, becoming the indwelling Spirit to dispense the Triune God into the believers, thus making us members of His Body for His corporate expression; this Body is expressed locally as the lampstand, which becomes His testimony, the testimony of Jesus. Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord's Move, outline 3Seeing that there’s an ultimate world situation and that the Lord has an ultimate move, what is the Lord’s ultimate recovery, and how can we participate in it? The Lord’s ultimate recovery to respond to the world’s ultimate situation is the same as His ultimate move (Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4-6, 11; 5:32; Rev. 2:1; 19:7-9).

We have seen that there was an age in which the Lord recovered the translation of the Bible into people’s language, justification by faith, the deeper truths in the Bible, brotherly love, and the proper way to meet; but the Lord’s ultimate recovery today is nothing else but recovering Christ (the mystery of God) and the church (the mystery of Christ).

God wants to recover Christ becoming the indwelling Spirit to infuse and impart the Triune God into the tripartite man, thus making us who believe into Him the members of His Body for His expression.

This Body of Christ is expressed locally as the many lampstands, which are the testimony of Jesus.

Unfortunately, the ultimate move of God has been lost sight of, but now the Lord is recovering it and thus complete what He desires to do; the Lord wants to build up His church (Matt. 16:18) by working Himself into a group of people and saturating them and transforming them to flow through them in many ways, functions, and manifestations, so that the church may be built up in a practical way to be the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:16) through the functioning of all the members.

What the Lord wants to recover today in these last days – God’s ultimate recovery – is Christ as the mystery of God living in us as the indwelling Spirit to make us His members that we may become the church, the mystery of Christ, as the Body of Christ to express Him.

This is what He wanted to gain in Paul’s time, and Paul saw this and wrote concerning this; this is what He wants to gain, and when He gains this in many localities, He can return.

What keeps us in the church life in the Lord’s recovery is not merely the good atmosphere we have in the meetings, the wonderful church life with the saints, or the saints that we know and have become a pattern to us; what keeps us here is seeing the Lord’s ultimate move, His ultimate recovery.

When we see the Lord’s ultimate recovery we will realize that this is what the New Testament speaks of, this is what the ministry speaks of, and this is what we should strive to obtain today in the church life.

We need to not be preoccupied by anything else but focus on the ultimate move of God. On His side, God arranges the whole world situation – and our personal life too – for His move in us, and on our side we need to see the Lord’s ultimate recovery and be recovered to experiencing Christ for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ.

Lord Jesus, We are not here for anything else but for Your present move on earth today. We are here for You to gain Your built-up Body, Your prepared Bride, and for You to bring in Your kingdom. As we hear and read Your word concerning the world ultimate situation, God’s ultimate move, and the Lord’s ultimate recovery, may we receive Your commission and burden. We want to go and preach the high gospel to the whole inhabited earth. May in every locality there be a model of Christ and the church lived out to bring in an unprecedented revival, that You would have a golden lampstand in every place, so that You may gain the testimony of Jesus on earth! Amen, Lord, shame Your enemy and glorify Your name!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Minoru C. for this week, and portions from, The World Situation and God’s Move, chs. 5-6 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move, msg. 3 (week 3), Spreading the Divine Truths and Seeing a Vision of the World’s Ultimate Situation, God’s Ultimate Move, and the Lord’s Ultimate Recovery.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # From the beachhead in our spirit / To our mind, emotion, will. / Christ will spread through all our being / And our vessel wholly fill. / He will cast out all rebellion, / Change our darkness into light. / Satan’s kingdom will be swallowed, / And Christ will reign with might. / This is the Lord’s recovery, / This is His very best! / Brothers, give the Lord the ground in you / Till His kingdom’s manifest. (Hymns #1297)
    # The church is Christ— / His expression on the earth today… / The local church— / It’s the new and real family life… / What shall we do? / We should go and tell the world of this. (Hymns #1293)
    # O Lord, I love You, / I really love You, / Without You life’s really nothing. / You are so attracting, / And You are so charming; / Your riches are unsearchable. / Your name’s so dear and sweet, / Calling makes one satisfied, / Now You are mine and I am Thine, Lord; / Joined and mingled with You, / God-man incorporation, / Foretaste of the New Jerusalem. (Song on loving the Lord)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Larry S.
Larry S.
6 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus. Bring this truth and the vision to all of Europe. Gain many for Your purpose. Establish many golden Lampstands in Germany. Send many to preach the gospel of the Kingdom and touch those who cannot go to pray and give. We love you Lord Jesus.

brother L.
brother L.
6 years ago

When the Lord comes to crush human government, He will crush the feet with the ten toes. This will be the crushing of the entire image from the head to the feet. Daniel 2:34-35 says, “You were watching until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the image at its feet of iron and clay and crushed them….And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” Christ is the great stone who will crush the two feet of the great image, which will be the crushing of the entire human image, the entire human government.

We need to see this as a basis to understand the Lord’s mind. Before this crushing transpires, the Lord’s recovery must spread to Europe and be rooted there. (The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, pp. 18-19, by Witness Lee)

Myrna Gamit
Myrna Gamit
6 years ago

Amen!! Praise the Lord!! Hallellujah!

Mariza S
Mariza S
6 years ago
