The Triune God and the Believers Became an Incorporation in Christ’s Resurrection

In the resurrection of Christ, all His believers have been brought into the union of life with the processed Triune God and mingled with the consummated God into an incorporation. Quote from, Witness Lee

To try to understand God with our human mind is futile, but to exercise our spirit and pray over God’s word brings us into a deeper inward understanding of God and even in a union with Him.

Man is a mystery, and God is, even more, a mystery. God’s incarnation is a mystery, Christ’s human living is a mystery, and so is His resurrection and ascension. However, there are hints in the word of God concerning some things that happened in the resurrection of Christ, and we do well to pray over these verses in order to have a clear view and even a vision of Christ’s resurrection.

In John 14 we see how the Triune God is an incorporation, that is, the Son is in the Father and the Father is in the Son, and all that the Son did was what the Father was doing and the words spoken by the Son were the Father’s works.

First, the three of the Godhead coinhere mutually: they dwell and live in one another (a foreign concept to our limited human mind – so it’s good to just say Amen!). Then, the three of the Godhead work together as one – they each do something, but they are one; the Son’s speaking and works were the Father’s speaking and works, and when the Spirit came, He spoke not from Himself but from the Son, who is the embodiment and expression of the Father.

However, God didn’t want to remain an incorporation in Himself; through incarnation He put on humanity, and in His resurrection He released His divine life and brought humanity into divinity, incorporating humanity into divinity.

All the believers in Christ were regenerated in Christ’s resurrection; they were brought into the union of life with the processed Triune God and mingled with the consummated God into an incorporation.

Through Christ’s resurrection the divine incorporation was enlarged to include man, and now in this universe there’s a universal divine-human incorporation where God and man are one in life, mingled in nature, and incorporated in person as One! Wow, what a mysterious thought revealed in John and brought to light by the ministry of the age, the teaching of the apostles!

On the one hand the God we believe in is a God-man, the Man in the glory, Jesus Christ; on the other hand, this One has enlarged the divine incorporation to include us into a universal great divine-human incorporation in which God dwells in man, man dwells in God, and whatever man does is God’s doing in perfect oneness. We can have a foretaste of this today in our Christian and church life, and we will

The Consummated Triune God and the Regenerated Believers are an Incorporation

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First of all, God in His Divine Trinity is an incorporation; as seen in John 14:10-11, the Son and the Father not only coexist but also coinhere, that is, they dwell together in one another mutually. By coinhering mutually, the Son is in the Father and the Father is in the Son.

Also, the Son and the Father work together as one, and the words the Son spoke were the Father’s works in Him. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit not only coexist and coinhere with one another but they also work as one – they are an incorporation.

Though they are three and are distinct, yet they are not separate but carry out one work: as the Son was speaking, the Father was speaking also; the Son did the Father’s works and sought the Father’s glory. The Spirit did not speak of Himself but what He heard from the Son and the Father, and He reveals what the Son is to His believers.

The three of the Divine Trinity are an incorporation by coinhering mutually and by working together as one.

Furthermore, in John 14:16-19 we see how the consummated Triune God and the regenerated believers are an incorporation. The Spirit – who is the third of the Divine Trinity as “another Comforter” – being the reality of the Son – who is the second of the Divine Trinity as the first Comforter and the embodiment of the Triune God – not only abides WITH the believers but also dwells IN them. The Spirit of reality, the Spirit of the glorified Jesus, not only dwells with us but also lives in us.

Actually, the Son as the first Comforter left His disciples through His death and came back to be another Comforter to the believers through His resurrection to make them live with Him (John 14:18-19). We as believers in Christ are no longer merely sinners saved by His grace, washed by His blood, reconciled to God, and regenerated by His life, but we also have the Spirit of the glorified Jesus in us, and because He lives we also live.

The Son lived because of the Father, in oneness with the Father, and so we who eat Christ live because of Him, living together with Him as He lives in us (John 6:57); this is incorporation.

Where is Christ now? He is not only in the heavens and everywhere around us as the Spirit but He is also in us; He speaks in our speaking, and our speaking is His speaking. Through regeneration all believers in Christ have been brought into a great universal divine-human incorporation, and the Spirit lives in us enabling us to live together with Him.

As we pass through our daily life, whether in positive or negative situations, whether happy or sorrowful, we live together with the Lord and He lives in us in the divine-human incorporation. We have been joined to the Lord to be one in life and mingled with Him to be an incorporation with Him. Wow, praise the Lord!

Praise You Lord for enlarging the divine incorporation to include humanity also. Thank You for bringing us into the enlarged universal divine-human incorporation through regeneration. Lord Jesus, we are one with You and You are one with us; our living is Your living and Your living is our living today. You are in us and we are in You; You dwell not only among us but in us, and You cause us to live because of You and live together with You. Oh Lord, we want to live our daily life together with You in the divine-human incorporation!

The Consummated Triune God and the Regenerated Believers Became an Incorporation in the Resurrection of Christ

John 14:20 In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. (Recovery Version Bible)In John 14:17 and 20 we see when the divine-human incorporation took place: it was in the Lord’s resurrection. The consummated Triune God – the Father embodied in the Son, passing through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, is now realized as the Spirit – and the regenerated believers became an incorporation in the resurrection of Christ.

“In that day you will know” – that day refers to the day of Christ’s resurrection, the day in which we all were regenerated and we had not merely a mental understanding but a spiritual knowledge of the spiritual things because of the Spirit of God mingled with our spirit. “You will know that I am in My Father” – the Son and the Father are incorporated into one; they mutually coinhere together and work together as one.

“And you in Me” – the believers in Christ were brought into the Son to be incorporated into the Son – who is in the Father; therefore, the believers are in the Son and in the Father by being in the Son. “And I in you” – The Son is in the believers; first, the Son is in the Father, the Father is in the Son, and then the believers are in the Son and the Son is in the believers; this is a mysterious enlarged divine-human incorporation of God and man.

Through His resurrection Christ was glorified: He released the divine life concealed within the shell of His humanity, and He produced an enlarged divine-human incorporation in which God is in man and man is in God.

This doesn’t mean that there are four persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and us – this is heresy! But in our experience, life, and nature, the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the believers are incorporated together as one; God is in us and we are in Him. In John 14:17 we see the totality of these three in’s in v. 20: the Spirit will be with you and in you.

The Spirit of reality is in us, bringing us into the universal divine-human incorporation. May the Lord take away all the veils from our eyes that we may see this as a vision, not just understand it as a teaching or doctrine.

We need to pray to have a clear controlling vision imparted into our being to see the enlarged divine-human incorporation in Christ’s resurrection when He released the glory of His divinity and thus brought humanity into divinity. Resurrection made possible the producing of this universal divine-human incorporation.

Lord Jesus, take away all the veils from our eyes that we may see the vision of the enlarged divine-human incorporation which took place in Your resurrection. Lord, save us from knowing this or understanding this merely as knowledge in doctrine; give us a vision of Your desire to have a great universal divine-human incorporation! Praise You for Your resurrection in which You were glorified by releasing the divine life to regenerate us and incorporate us into the divine incorporation! Oh Lord, we praise You!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. James Lee’s sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory, ch. 2 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension, week 1 / msg 1, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection (1) – The Universal Incorporation of the Consummated Triune God with the Regenerated Believers in the Resurrection of Christ.
  • Hymns to strengthen the burden in this article:
    # O Lord, I love You, / I really love You, / Without You life’s really nothing. / You are so attracting, / And You are so charming; / Your riches are unsearchable. / Your name’s so dear and sweet, / Calling makes one satisfied, / Now You are mine and I am Thine, Lord; / Joined and mingled with You, / God-man incorporation, / Foretaste of the New Jerusalem. (Song on the Divine-Human Incorporation)
    # Once Thou wast the only grain, Lord, / Falling to the earth to die, / That thru death and resurrection / Thou in life may multiply. / We were brought forth in Thy nature / And the many grains became; / As one loaf we all are blended, / All Thy fulness to proclaim. (Hymns #203)
    # Incorporation! Incorporation— / The issue of Christ’s glorification. / In our daily walk, we must join to Him / And must live in Him, and work as one with Him. (Song on Incorporation!)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Brother L.
Brother L.
8 years ago

Christ’s glorification produced an issue—an incorporation….The three of the Divine Trinity are an incorporation by coinhering mutually and by working together as one….This is the beginning of the universal incorporation, an incorporation which started with God Himself. God’s intention is that all the believers of Christ would be incorporated into His incorporation to be an enlarged incorporation. (Witness Lee, The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory, pp. 24-26)

David Beach
David Beach
8 years ago

Here is a new song to enjoy, based on the note posted above, with a slight addition in the final chorus; enjoy!

tune: Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus/870

Christ’s believers have been brought into–
The union of life with the processed Triune God,
And mingled with the consummated God—

Into an incorporation. Formerly,
We had nothing to do with God,
But regeneration has brought us —

Into the union of life…
With the processed Triune God. Union,
However, is not sufficient to bring us into

An incorporation with the Triune God….
To be incorporated with the consummated…
God, we need to be mingled—

With Him. Thus, through Christ’s glorification–
We have not only…
Not only been brought into a union with–

The processed Triune God, but we have also —
Been mingled with the consummated God–
Into an incorporation. O, Hallelujah!

United and mingled, incorporated, too!
Thus, with the Triune God we’re One–
His purpose, we would thus fulfill!

source: based on excerpt from: The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory, p. 24;