At the Throne of Grace we Behold God and we’re Transformed into the Image of Christ

2 Cor. 3:18 But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit.

When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God, commune with Him, we are infused with Him, we correspond to His heavenly ministry, and we are transformed in His image to be His shining testimony, a miniature of the New Jerusalem today.

In the Old Testament God met with His people on the expiation cover above the ark, under the cherubim of glory, and there He spoke with His people; today God meets with His people at the throne of grace.

The throne of God is a throne of judgement and righteousness, but to us the believers in Christ this throne is of grace, and we can come forward to the throne of grace at any time.

How can we, men on earth, come to the throne of grace – the reality of the expiation cover – which is in the heavens?

The key, the secret, is our spirit; the Christ who is in heaven is also in our spirit, for He is the heavenly ladder joining earth to heaven.

As the heavenly ladder in spirit, Christ joins our spirit to the heaven and brings heave in our spirit; when we touch the Lord in spirit, we touch heaven, for in our spirit there’s the gate of heaven.

Many believers accidentally touch the Lord in spirit and have a taste of the heaven, but we need to know the reality and the fact: Christ is in our spirit, we are joined to Him as one spirit, and when we turn to Him by calling on His name and applying His precious blood, we touch heaven, and we receive mercy and find grace!

Whenever we turn to our spirit, we enter into the Holy of Holies, where we meet with God who is on the throne of grace.

Outwardly we live on earth and we are just like other human beings, but inwardly when we touch the Lord we are living in the Holy of Holies, touching the throne of grace, and we live a heavenly life on earth.

Hallelujah, whenever we enter into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus, we come to the throne of grace within the veil, and we receive mercy and find grace from the ascended Christ in the heavens!

How we thank and praise the Lord that He has shown us the secret: our spirit!

The secret to contacting God is not doing some outward works or going through a long process of doing this and that to qualify us to contact God….contacting God has to do with our mingled spirit and the blood of Jesus.

We can apply the blood of Jesus and instantly enter the Holy of Holies to enjoy God in the spirit!

Hallelujah, the throne of grace is with our spirit, and whenever we turn, apply the blood, and contact the Lord, we touch the throne of grace, we are being transformed in His image, and we live a heavenly life on earth!

At the Throne of Grace we Fellowship with God, we Behold His Glory, and we’re Transformed in His Image

What do we do at the throne of grace? We pray, worship, and look to the One on the throne. We praise and thank Him. From this throne flows the river of life. If we stay here a while, we shall have the sense that something from the throne of grace flows into us, through us, and out of us. We are experiencing the eternal life as the supplying grace. We receive mercy and “find grace for timely help” (Heb. 4:16). By coming to the throne of grace we are corresponding to Christ’s heavenly priesthood. Whenever we turn to the spirit and come to the throne of grace, we correspond to His heavenly interceding. His interceding and our praying constitute a traffic between heaven and earth. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1980, vol. 2, “The Heavenly Ministry of Christ,” p. 113Where do we meet with God today?

In the Old Testament He met with His people on the covering of the Ark, on the expiation cover; today God meets with us and speaks to us at the throne of grace, the reality of the expiation cover (Num. 7:80; Exo. 25:17-22).

It was on the expiation cover that God met with His people and communed with them, and it is at the throne of grace in our spirit that we can meet with God and have His speaking.

When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God and commune with Him (Heb. 4:16; 10:19).

It is at the throne of grace that we can hear God’s voice; God speaks from the throne of grace, and here we hear God’s voice, we see His countenance, we enjoy His presence, and we are one with Him in His economy.

As long as we contact the Lord in our spirit, we hear His voice, we enjoy His presence, and He lifts up His countenance over us, letting us know that His heart for us is full of blessings and all manners of positive experiences to make us the overcomers that we long to be. Amen!

It is here at the throne of grace that we have His oracle and receive His speaking; if we still linger around the cross but do not advance to the Holy of Holies, it will be difficult to hear His voice.

When we contact the Lord at the throne of grace, we simply look to Him as the One on the throne, and we praise Him and thank Him. Our prayers will get very simple – we will simply tell the Lord,

Thank You Lord. Praise You, Lord! Hallelujah, I love You, Lord! I love You and I treasure You, Lord! Amen, thank You, Lord!

We praise Him and we thank Him because to us His throne is not of judgement but of trace, and we sense that something flows from the throne of grace into us, through us, and out of us.

When we contact the Lord at the throne of grace we experience the eternal life flowing into us as the supplying grace. At the throne of grace we receive mercy and find grace for timely help. Amen!

Whenever we turn to our spirit and come to the throne of grace, we correspond to the Lord’s heavenly ministry; whatever He prays in the heavens, we will echo on the earth, and we will intercede for what He intercedes.

Touching the Lord at the throne of grace will cause us to correspond to Christ’s heavenly ministry (see Heb. 4:12, 16; 7:25-26; 8:1; 13:20-21).

Rom. 8:29 Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers.Furthermore, at the throne of grace we behold the Lord and we reflect Him; we are like a mirror both beholding and reflecting the Lord at the same time (see 2 Cor. 3:18), and we are thus transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit.

When we see the Lord by ourselves, we behold Him; the result will be that we reflect Him so that others may see Him through us.

The result of our beholding and reflecting the Lord is that we are transformed into the same image of the resurrected and glorified Christ.

Amen, we are gradually being conformed to the image of the resurrected and glorified Christ, and we are being made the same as He is (Rom. 8:29)!

When we contact the Lord in our mingled spirit, we touch the throne of grace, and we behold and reflect the glory of the Lord; He infuses and dispenses into us the elements of what He is and what He has done, and there’s a metabolic process going on in our being.

As we remain in this beholding and reflecting the Lord in spirit, we are gradually transformed metabolically to have His life shape, and through the renewing of our mind, we are gradually transfigured into His image!

How glorious! We are daily going from glory to glory by beholding and reflecting the Lord like a mirror!

Lord, we come forward to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ to meet with God and commune with Him. We come to You, Lord, to have Your speaking, hear Your voice, see Your countenance, enjoy Your presence, and be one with You in Your economy! Praise You, Lord! Thank You for all that You are to us. Thank You for infusing what You are into us as we behold You, so that we may reflect You to others like a mirror! Amen, Lord, keep us beholding and reflecting You until we are transformed into the same glorious image as You to be Your shining testimony on the earth!

Our Destiny is to be the New Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies filled with the Glory of God!

Rev. 21:23 And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon that they should shine in it, for the glory of God illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.Our destiny is to be the New Jerusalem, the holy city in the new heaven and new earth, and this city will be the Holy of Holies enlarged and filled with the glory of God!

In the New Jerusalem there’s no need for sun or moon or stars to shine, for the Lord God the almighty is the light, and the Lamb is the lamp (see Rev. 21:2-3, 10-11, 16, 22-23; 22:1-5).

In the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament there’s outward darkness but inward light; this light is expanding and being enlarged today as we contact the Lord at the throne of grace and have His shining, and it will be fully enlarged in the New Jerusalem!

The entire city of the New Jerusalem will be the Holy of Holies, and the glory of God as the light will shine in Christ as the Lamp-Lamb through the city for eternity!

Hallelujah, in the New Jerusalem there’s no need of any natural light (the sun or the moon) or any man-made light, because God Himself will be the light, and Christ will be the lamp shining out God to the entire city!

Hallelujah, in eternity we will enjoy the throne of God and of the Lamb with the river of water of life, we will serve Him, we will see His face, we will live under His shining, and we will reign forever and ever!

Our destiny is to serve the Lord, see His face, live under His shining, and reign forever and ever; this is our eternal destiny, and today we can have a foretaste!

Today we can start wherever we are and we can advance in our relationship with the Lord until we reach “the top of the mountain”, until we are in the Lord’s direct presence, His shekinah glory!

We need to advance and go on with the Lord by coming forward to the Holy of Holies based on the precious blood of Christ; we need to come forward to receive mercy and find grace!

We simply need to come as we are, apply the blood of Christ, and stand on Christ as the meeting place of God and man; He is the propitiation place, the reality of the expiation cover, and He is in our spirit as the throne of grace!

It is here, in the redeeming Christ, that we can have the shining of God, be under His rule, enjoy His shining and His speaking, and we can have His heart open and unveiled to us.

This is what we want to experience and this is the way we want to live!

We want to advance with the Lord day by day, month by month, and year by year, until we live before His face, under His direct rule, and are constantly under His shining, as we behold and reflect Him to be transformed into the same glorious image!

Hallelujah, our eternal destiny is to be the New Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies filled with the glory of God! Thank You Lord for giving us such a glorious destiny! It is our destiny to shine forth God to the universe and enjoy the throne of God and of the Lamb with the river of water of life! Hallelujah, it is our eternal destiny for us to serve God, see His face, live under His shining, and reign forever and ever! Amen, Lord, may we advance in our relationship with You until we constantly live in Your presence, see and live in the desire of Your heart, and behold and reflect You to be transformed into the same image!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Ron Kangas for this week, and portions from, Truth Lessons—Level Three, vol. 3, lsn. 46 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallisation-Study of Numbers (1), week 8, God’s Speaking from between the Cherubim of Glory.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # But we all with unveiled face, / Beholding and reflecting like a mirror / The glory of the Lord, are being transformed / Into the same image / From glory to glory, / Even as from the Lord Spirit. / From glory to glory, / Even as from the Lord Spirit. (Scripture song)
    # Gazing on His glory, / Face to face to see; / Constantly beholding, / Ever would I be. / Changed into His likeness! / This my heart’s one quest! / From my heart reflected, / He will be expressed. (Hymns #399)
    # ’Tis the holy city, / New Jerusalem; / With His saints God mingles, / Makes His home with them. / He becomes their content, / His expression they; / They shall share His glory, / One with Him for aye. (Hymns #971)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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