Truth is the divine light shining on the facts of the Bible and televising a heavenly vision in us

Truth is the divine light shining on the facts of the Bible and televising a heavenly vision in us [picture: a GOAL in the football game - seen from BEING at the game]This week in the morning revival we come to the first great pillar in the Lord’s recovery, the Truth, and more specifically to the topic, Being Sanctified by the Truth to Move out of Ourselves and into the Triune God for the Oneness (you can read a lovely introduction to this message via, HoldingToTruth – being sanctified in the truth for the divine oneness).

The truth in the Bible is not only for our knowledge but as the Lord Jesus prayed in John 17:17, the truth sanctifies us so that we may be one even as the Triune God is one! For this, the sanctifying truth moves us out of ourselves and into the Triune God so that we may be ONE!

The truth is the shining of the light

What is the truth in the Bible? Many people believe that the truth is doctrine, so they want to know many doctrines so that they may know the truth. But in the Bible the truth firstly means the shining of the light, the expression of the light.

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all – but when He comes to us and shines on us, what we sense and receive is the truth. God shines on us by the speaking of the truth, which is light expressed. When the Lord shines on the words of the Bible, we receive the truth into us – we receive reality!

A televising of the truth into our being

There’s a great difference between having the facts and having the truth – just as there’s a great difference between reading about a football game in the newspaper and watching it on TV! If someone scored the only goal of the game in the very last minute and you watched that on TV, this would have impressed you to the uttermost and the way you speak about it to others is with much excitement and passion. If you would read about it in the news, you would not be that excited about it. When the divine light shines on the facts of the Bible, it conveys a spiritual vision of those facts into our being!

Actually, this kind of television is not just something we watch objectively – it is a “you are there”-television!

When you are there at the place where the action happens, it is being transfused into you and the impression is lasting forever! When the Lord shines on the word in the Bible, a divine vision is televised into your being and those facts, those truths, are being wrought into you forever!

This is why we need to not only READ the Bible but pray-read the Bible, pray-read the Word of God, so that we may receive the divine light shining on the facts in the Word of God!

Reality is the realization of what is real

This is a fact – to have the reality means that you realize what is real and it becomes yours. The Spirit is called the Spirit of reality (John 14:17) – this Spirit is the heavenly electricity by which the spiritual things are televised into our being! Just as a TV needs electricity to operate, and the TV screen is the result of the electricity being supplied to it, so the Word of God which is the truth (John 17:17) needs to have the Spirit of reality shining on it so that the facts in the Bible would be televised into our being and become ours!

Don’t miss the spiritual televising of the divine facts into your being when you come to the Word of God! Don’t read the Bible as you would read a newspaper!

Rather, pray over the Word of God and allow the Spirit of reality to shine on the Word and televise the divine facts into your being!

Christ is our holiness, Christ is our righteousness, Christ died for our sins, Christ is our life, the church is the Body of Christ, we are becoming the New Jerusalem, Christ is the Head of the Body, etc – all the spiritual facts contained in the Bible need to be not just understood and acknowledged by us but they need to be televised into our being through the shining of the light!

[sharing inspired from the Truth Messages (by brother Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery. ]

O, Lord, save us from just reading the Bible with no enlightenment or the shining of the light! Shine on us as we read Your Word! Make the Word of God a heavenly television to us whenever we come to it. Lord, keep us open to You and having the eyes of our heart enlightened that we may see the divine facts in the Bible! Constitute us with the truth by televising the truth into our being! How we want to have a “I was there”-televising of the truth of the Bible into our being!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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