we can be the dispensational instrument that the Lord needs today(sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)

we can be the dispensational instrument that the Lord needs today(sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)Every year, hundreds of young people from all over the globe travel to a small village in Poland called Male Ciche to consecrate one whole week for the enjoyment of Christ and to be constituted with the Word of God.

This year’s conference was no exception, and although the rain was falling all week, this did not stop us having such a rich time with the Lord.

This year was my second Poland Camp, and I really enjoyed blending with young people from all over the world once again! It was so amazing that through this camp, I met someone whom I grew up with over 9 years ago and who I thought I would never see again when I moved to the other side of the globe! Praise the Lord!

In my locality, I am the only young person, so I really treasure the time I spend with other young people who love the Lord. I found out that this week I spent in Poland I didn’t have be the world thinks as ‘normal’ but I just had focus on consecrating the week to God.

By doing this, I felt that God spoke to me through the messages and I gained a deeper understanding concerning the slavery and the death in Egypt under Pharaoh’s usurpation.

This year, the topic for the conference was ‘Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus‘ and these are some of the points I really enjoyed throughout the conference:

  1. Genesis depicts the individual salvation and is mainly about individual experiences whereas Exodus is about a corporate people – The Children of Israel. Everything corporate is better, richer and fuller.
  2. The Earth and the World are not the same. God created the Earth, whereas Satan invented the World. The world is like a mouse trap – although we (like a mouse) may think that we know what the world (the mouse trap) looks like, Satan is always thinking of new ‘mouse traps’ to lure us back to the world. Therefore, we need to be fully aware of WHAT THE WORLD IS, just like the mouse needs to be aware of the mouse trap. If we are not aware, the result can be the same as the result for the mouse – death.
  3. According to the Bible, the world has at least three aspects: the aspect of rebellion and idolatry (signified by Babel), the aspect of sinfulness (signified by Sodom), and the aspect of enjoyment and pleasure(signified by Egypt).
  4. Although we have to use some aspects of the world, this has to ultimately be for God. We can use the example of education. Although we have to use the system in the world of education, ultimately, this has to be for God – and if it is just to benefit ourselves, we should reconsider. We should only use the world for necessities as it is with these things that Satan lures us further into the world. The children of Israel had to go down to Egypt (which signifies enjoyment and pleasure) to obtain food to survive. However, they eventually became trapped in Egypt and enjoyed the pleasure the world had to offer which kept them from fulfilling the purpose for which God had originally called them. Therefore, although we may need to use the world, we need to be careful not to become enslaved by it.
  5. According to the Bible, the male life represents the life that is for God’s purpose whereas the female life represents like that is for man’s pleasure. In Egypt, Pharaoh tried to kill the sons born to the Hebrew women and he kept the female life, which in type is for man’s pleasure. This is exactly what Satan is doing today: he is killing the life that is for God’s purpose in us and preserving the life for worldly pleasures.
  6. Because of Pharaoh wanting to kill the baby boys, there was an urgent need for a saviour. This was Moses. For 400 years, the children of Israel were stuck in Egypt. In preparing the saviour, God used the female life to preserve him – through Miriam, the Pharaoh’s daughter, and Jochebed (Moses’ mother). Also, Moses received the best education in the world.
  7. When Moses was 40, he thought he was ready. However, he then went and killed an Egyptian. He realized that he was not ready yet, and became a sheep tender – a shepherd in the desert. However, after another 40 years of being a shepherd, the Lord approached him through the flaming bush.
  8. Praise the Lord! This is one of the points I enjoyed most. We have to go through Education and Perfection before we can do the Lord’s work! Moses had to go through 40 years of education, and being filled up. Then, there were 40 years of perfection and being emptied again so that he could be a vessel solely for God. After all this, finally, he could consecrate 40 years to be called. However, for us, this can be 25 years for each stage as most of us are not able to live to be 120!
  9. In every age, God always wants to do something. However, He lacks a dispensational instrument! He lacks a prepared vessel. I really enjoyed that we can be this dispensational instrument. If only we give our education to the Lord and are perfected (going to the full-time training is a good way of doing this!), then we can be useful to the Lord when we are older. Moses is the standard model of God’s servant – we need to be called the way Moses was!
  10. One of the enemy’s tactics to keep us away from God is to keep us busy! This can be through so many mediums such as the internet (particularly Facebook!), the cinema, our friends, and our family. We need to aware of this and make the choice to flee Egypt!
  11. Relationships are used by the enemy to keep us from God. One sister’s sharing was really good. She shared that when you are in a relationship, at first you are a flower. And bit by bit, the petals keep coming off. Although your eventual husband or wife might be happy with just a stem, wouldn’t it be so marvelous if you could present yourself as a beautiful flower? This really opened my eyes and I realized that marriage should be held in honour, and that the Lord already has a husband or a wife picked out for us! We just need to pray and preserve ourselves. Praise the Lord! I’m 13 and engaged – to the Lord!
  12. Although in Exodus Pharaoh is shown as the one keeping people from enjoying God, he could be anyone of us – including ourselves. Sometimes we can be Pharaohs to ourselves. Sometimes we may decide not to go to a meeting because we’re tired, but then we occupy ourselves with something else other than sleeping. Sometimes we refuse God’s word – this should not be the case because God’s word is always true!
  13. God, The Will of God, and the Word of God are the 3 things that are unchangeable! The will is unchanging, and the word is true! So many people rely on Science – but Science is always changing! The Word of God is clear, and therefore we can trust it and it can be our standard!
  14. In the universe, there are 2 main wills: God’s and Satan’s. However, Satan is the evil one and wants to resist and rebel against God’s will through reasoning and compromise. God has 3 titles: Jehovah, the God of Israel, and the God of Hebrews (revealed whilst he was dealing with Pharaoh through Moses). Jehovah is the great I AM! We are not, but Praise the Lord – He is!
  15. The 12 conflicts (including the 10 plagues) expose the real situation of the world under Pharaoh’s usurpation. Although we may think what our friends do is ‘normal’, we should see that this is not normal! They are actually “surfing the Lake of Fire” and we should be the ones to rescue them!
  16. God wants us to enjoy Him!!! He wants His people to have a feast unto Him! However, to have an enjoyable feast, we need to have lots of people! Therefore, the best place to feast upon him is in the meetings!
[sharing from the recent Poland Conference for the Young People by brother John L(UK) from his top enjoyment]

Oh Lord Jesus, thank You for Your testimony in Europe! Lord, give us the experiences we need for us to grow in Life. Thank You that we are one with You – to love what You love and hate what You hate! Lord, we want to know You more. Thank You for speaking to us from the book of Exodus! Amen

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sister in the Lord
sister in the Lord
12 years ago

What a rich sharing!!! Thank you and PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Especially I am touched that the Lord lacks a dispensational instrument! He lacks a prepared vessel….

"Make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites.
Make us those through whom You'd close this age;
Who are one with You to bring the kingdom in,
Young people absolute for Your move."

Source: http://www.hymnal.net/hymn.php/ns/315#ixzz1UHtDhk