We can sow and plant Christ as the tree of life! It is God who gives the growth!

Christ said, “I am the vine…” (John 15:1), “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), and “I am the way, the reality, and the life” (John 14:6). These verses show us that Christ is the tree of life – a vine tree, reaching out everywhere, full of the divine life. And we are the branches in the vine, we are branches and parts of the tree of life (John 15:5)!

When we received the Lord Jesus into us, we received the tree of life (either as a seed, or it was planted) into our spirit. Daily, the tree of life in us is growing by us spending time with the Lord, watering the tree of life, being watered by others, taking care of the ground of our heart, dealing with any rocks or other things that hinder the growth in life, by us eating Christ as life every day, taking Him into us as our food and drink, etc.

The Christians – the ones who believed in the Lord Jesus and received Him into them – are a miniature of the tree of life; we are a small tree of life. Just like Paul now (1 Cor. 3:6), we can plant Christ into people, or, like Apollos, we can water the Christ in the believers!

When we preach the gospel to our friends, relatives, neighbors, the people around us – we actually sow the seed of the tree of life into them! When we share with them about Christ as life, as the meaning of our human life, and when they call on the name of the Lord and say,

Lord Jesus, I don’t want to be an empty vessel wandering around – fill me with Yourself right now. I want to receive You into me – take You into my being!

they are filled with Christ as the meaning of their human life, and the tree of life is planted into them, making them a duplication of the tree of life!

We need to be such sowers and planter – sowing Christ as the seed of life and planting Christ as the tree of life into many vacant sinners. No matter how much people eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they will never be satisfied, filled, or find the meaning of their human existence.

Only the coming in of the divine life, the continual filling and spreading of Christ in all our inner being, fills us with meaning and with satisfaction! What we can do is pray, ask the Lord for opportunities, to open the hearts of those around us/related to us, and to give us the words to speak to them – and then, at the right time, we will cooperate with Him to just sow Christ into them!

When Christ as the seed of life is sown / Christ as the tree of life is planted into someone, God comes in to give the growth! In a sense, it’s not up to the one who sows or plants, but it is really of the One who gives the growth (1 Cor. 3:7). God takes care of His life in us, He will make sure that the tree of life in us will grow, develop, spread, and eventually fill & saturate our whole being!

Lord, grow in us more! Strengthen us into our inner man to speak You forth & plant You/sow You into the ones You placed us with! Fill us more with the divine life, and overflow from us as life to everyone around us, Lord!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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