the secret of the Christian life and the church life is living in the mingled spirit

What is the reality of the church life? The church life is composed of all the believers in Christ who live in their spirit. The reality of the church life is to live in the spirit. In the church life we learn to pay attention not to our mind or emotion but to our spirit. The Christian life, the family life, and the church life – are all a life in our spirit. The divine Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God is mingled with our spirit as the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, continually saturating us as we open to Him and allow Him to spread in us… [continue reading online]

it is very good to exercise our spirit – we are God-men! (2011 winter school of truth)

Most of the time we find it hard to turn our spirit because the soul takes the lead as our life and person, and the body and spirit become the organs who follow the lead of our soul. But we should live by allowing the spirit to take the lead in everything we do and be our life and person – and we use our soul and body as the organs following the lead of our spirit! [continue reading online a sharing from a young brother who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]

letting the mind of Christ saturate our mind and living in the index of the Lord’s eyes

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” (Phil. 2:5) – Christ had a certain frame of mind, a mind of His own, and this mind needs to become our mind. As believers in Christ, we have Christ in our spirit as the indwelling Christ living in us – but we […]