allowing God’s life to be lived out of us and having an overflow of life

As believers in Christ, we have the life of God in us, and this life wants to be expressed through us and be lived out of us. Hallelujah, we have God’s life in us (Col. 3:4; Rom. 8:10)! We need God to open our eyes, though, to see that our natural man, our very person, […]

praising Christ the King in the sweetness of His virtues and in praising the queen! (the Psalms)

Just when I thought that I have seen a lot in the Psalms in this recent video-training on the Crystallization Study of Psalms(1), we watched last night the seventh message entitled, Praising Christ as the King. There were so many things that enlightened me and touched me, but in particular towards the end of the […]