We need to Allow the Peace of Christ to Arbitrate in our Hearts for the One New Man

For the living and practical expression of the one new man, we all need to allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts so that the presiding peace rule within us and have the final word. This week is the last week in the morning revival on, The goal of the Lord’s recovery […]

To Pray that the Door May be Opened for the Word (Crucial Point 10)

This week we are enjoying a wonderful crucial point – to pray that the door may be opened for the Word (crucial point 10). See, enjoy, follow, pray over, and muse on the following resources / further references on this matter below. The previous crucial point can be found here. Colossians 4:3 Praying at the […]

we can share in Christ’s sufferings for the producing and building up of the Body of Christ

For the building up of the church we need the ministry – our experience of the riches of Christ in a subjective way, having Christ wrought into our being through all kinds of sufferings and consuming pressures…. This kind of experiences produces and constitutes the ministry for God’s new covenant, and these experiences are for the building up of the Body of Christ today! We love the ministry – we don’t “hate the gifts”, but we value more being a minister of the new covenant than desiring to be a gifted one…