the Lord Jesus was never discouraged – He took His satisfaction only in God and His will!

Why do we get discouraged and disappointed? The main reason we are disappointed or discouraged is because we have expectations from the people around us, from our environment, from situations and things. Expectations – this is what drives us to discouragement. We have expectations from our parents, our family, our teachers, our children, our spouse, […]

testimony from the Winter School of the Truth – God put eternity in man’s heart, only He satisfies!

What is the Winter School of the Truth? In the words of the ones who organize it, “The Winter School of Truth is a six day, full-time, residential conference for young people. This will be our eighth Winter School of Truth. Over the past years, hundreds of young people have come together to enjoy the […]

only by coming to God as the fountain of living waters can we be satisfied fully and become His expression today!

In Isaiah and in Jeremiah we see God dealing with His people, and many times we have the impression that “God wants to punish Israel” – all those judgements, wars, etc. But there is a verse in Jeremiah that sheds some fresh light on what God desires from His people, how does He want to […]