the need of the impotent – life’s enlivening(sharing from the college age conference)

In John chapter 5 we see the need of the impotent – life’s enlivening. In this chapter, we see a man who was sick for 38 years, who was waiting for healing in a place called Bethesda (Hebrew) – where there was a pool. An angel went down from time to time in the pool and stirred up the water, and the first one who gets into the water after the angel stirred up the water was made well – their disease would be healed.

But the problem was that this sick man could not move – he was impotent, paralyzed, and no one helped to put him into the pool when the water was stirred up.

One day Jesus came and saw him lying there and asked him, “Do you want to get well?” The impotent man knew that he had no hope nor ability in himself. So he explained the situation to the Lord Jesus. Then the Lord Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat and walk.” And immediately the man became well, took up his mat and walked!

The impotent man heard the Lord’s enlivening word and was healed! It was his hearing of the living word from the Lord and his obeying what He said that healed him. If I had been in a situation like the impotent man, I probably would doubt what the Lord said, and would have said to the Lord that I can not make it – it is impossible for me to do it since I’ve been a in this situation for a long time.

But in this case, we see that the impotent man did not argue with the Lord at all – he simply believed, received, obeyed what the Lord said! It may have been possible that the paralytic would not have been healed if he argued with the Lord. I was very impressed with this story – we should never argue with the Lord’s word!

We should simply believe, receive, and obey whatever He says. [portion of enjoyment by brother Tommy G – from the recent Spring College-Age Conference in Wales]

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Ezekiel Koo
13 years ago

Amen! Hallelujah ~ ~

We should simply believe, receive, and obey whatever He says