the need of the impotent – life’s enlivening(sharing from the college age conference)

In John chapter 5 we see the need of the impotent – life’s enlivening. In this chapter, we see a man who was sick for 38 years, who was waiting for healing in a place called Bethesda (Hebrew) – where there was a pool. An angel went down from time to time in the pool […]

by His bruise we were healed – we can apply the death of Christ to our being and be healed!

One particular aspect of Christ’s all-inclusive death is that Christ died for us to be healed! “By whose bruise you were healed” (1 Pet. 2:24-25) – we have been healed by Christ’s bruise! We were dead (Eph. 2:1) but Christ’s suffering of death healed our death so that we may live in His resurrection. He […]