Believers Simultaneously live in the Physical Realm and in the Divine and Mystical Realm

Therefore whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31

We believers in Christ should live in the divine and mystical realm and be divine and mystical persons, those who are human yet live divinely, living simultaneously in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm. Amen!

The Lord Jesus, our Savior, life, Lord, and person, took the lead to live a life in the divine and mystical realm, and we are learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus.

This means that day by day we are learning to live by another life, not living by our human life but by the divine life so that we may express God and be divine and mystical persons.

We believers in Christ are different from those around us; we do not have a future here, for our commonwealth is in the heavens, and we do not build a future for us here, for we live by another life for a hope that is in the heavens.

We live not merely as normal human beings but even more, as divine and mystical persons in the divine and mystical realm.

Our focus is not on what we see outwardly or what this world has to offer, nor is it on the feelings or knowledge that is in the world; our focus is Christ, the One who lives in us to be our life and everything.

We learn from Him. We learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus.

We learn to live like Christ not by outwardly imitating Him but by inwardly partaking of Him to be filled with His life and live because of Him.

We have Him living in us, we are taught in Him and by Him, and we can live one spirit with Him in the divine and mystical realm.

In this realm, the realm of the Spirit – whom Christ became after His death and resurrection – we have everything we need for us to live Christ and express Him.

In the divine and mystical realm, we receive the Spirit as the all-inclusive blessing, and we enjoy the transmission of the ascended Christ, for He dispenses Himself into us with the supply of His heavenly ministry.

In the divine and mystical realm, we experience God’s organic salvation and we live in the realm of the divine species.

As long as we remain in the realm of the Spirit, the divine and mystical realm, we live in the fellowship of the divine life, and we spontaneously live the Christian life, for the law of life operates in us.

In the divine and mystical realm, the law of the Spirit of life operates in us to conform us to the image of Christ.

In this realm of the Spirit, we have genuine oneness, for we are being mingled with the Triune God, and the enlarged oneness of the Triune God includes us. Hallelujah!

Believers are Divine and Mystical Persons, who are Human yet Lives Divinely

I am crucified with Christ; and [it is] no longer I [who] live, but [it is] Christ [who] lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the [faith] of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Gal. 2:20 But I myself, Paul, entreat you through the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who [(as you say)] in person am base among you, but while absent am bold toward you. 2 Cor. 10:1 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Cor. 13:14Every believer in Christ should live in the divine and mystical realm and should be a divine and mystical person, one who is human yet lives divinely.

This is what the Lord wants to make us today.

On one hand, we are human and live a human life; on the other hand, we are believers in Christ, and we live a divinely human life, for we are divine and mystical persons.

We need to be divine yet human; we are not merely human but mystically human, for everything in our living should be divine and mystical (John 14:16-20).

We are human beings, but we have God’s life in us; however, we don’t walk around recommending ourselves as being divinely human but rather, we live in the divine and mystical realm as we live in the human realm.

This is what the Lord Jesus did, this is what the apostles did, and this is what we all do, not because we have to, but because this is what we are.

When the Lord Jesus lived on earth, He prayed to God; His prayers, however, were not common but mystical.

He didn’t live as a common man praying common prayers to God.

He did not live as a pious man, a so-called godly man, praying to God in a religious way.

And He did not live as a God-seeking man praying to God for the divine attainments or obtainments.

Rather, the Lord Jesus was a man in the flesh who prayed to the mysterious God in the heavens, and He did this in the divine and mystical realm.

Again and again, we are told in the Gospels that He went to the mountains or withdrew to a private place to pray (Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; 6:12).

Like the Lord Jesus, we need to live in another realm, the divine and mystical realm, by exercising our spirit to be one spirit with the Lord.

And when we pray, we should not pray merely to ask God for things or to praise God for things; we need to speak the divine facts.

Instead of just asking God desperately for a job, we can thank Him that He cares for us and that we are in His hands.

We trust in God, we believe in Him.

On one hand, we need to bring our needs before the Lord and ask Him to give us our daily bread.

On the other hand, our trust is in God, we are here for the kingdom of God, and we pray to the mysterious God in the divine and mystical realm.

In the normal, daily living, we need to contact the Lord, live one spirit with Him, and be divine and mystical persons.

We may go to the doctor and have a simple procedure or a medical check, and even there we can contact the Lord and remain in touch with Him, thus living in the divine and mystical realm.

Those around us will sense something.

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, that He may be with you forever, [Even] the Spirit of reality, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know [Him; but] you know Him, because He abides with you and shall be in you. I will not leave you [as] orphans; I am coming to you. Yet a little while and the world beholds Me no longer, but you behold Me; because I live, you also shall live. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. John 14:16-20They will see that we are not merely human beings who need to do this and that but rather, we live in another realm.

We may be at the traffic light and the cars in front of us may move so slowly that we have to wait yet another round, but even in such a situation we can live in another realm.

We all fail at this, for many times things don’t go our way and we are not pleased when things happen to us that we do not like.

But we are learning. We are learning to live as divine and mystical persons in the divine and mystical realm.

We are learning to live a life that is human yet divine, having a divinely human living by being in the mingled spirit.

To be divine means that we do all things in God, with God, by God, and through God (1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17).

Whether in work or in deed, we do all things one with God, being in God and doing all things through Him and for His glory.

We may bear some responsibility in the church and we may have to make certain decisions; when we do this, we still want to remain one with the Lord so that our attitude, our words, and our way will be in Him and through Him.

Lord Jesus, we want to live one spirit with You today. We want to live in the divine and mystical realm even in the details of our daily life. Amen, Lord, may we be divine and mystical persons, those who live not only in the human realm but even more in the divine and mystical realm. May our living be human yet in a divine way. Keep us in our spirit today. We want to do all things in God, through God, with God, and one with God. We come to You again and again to contact You, be filled with You, be infused with You, and be one with You. May everything in our living be divine and mystical. Amen, Lord, we want to learn to be like You by learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus. Live in us today. Keep us in our spirit, living one spirit with You!

Living Simultaneously in the Physical Realm and in the Divine and Mystical Realm

And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended out of heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven. John 3:13 ...learn Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him as the reality is in Jesus. Eph. 4:20-21The Lord Jesus is the pattern in our daily living. He is the first God-man, and He is also our life to be our living today.

Even as He lived one with God and did all things in God, through God, and for God, we need to live today.

And we do this not by outwardly copying Him or imitating Him but by living in our spirit so that we may be divine and mystical persons.

When we buy a pair of shoes or get a haircut, we need to not only do this in ourselves and according to our preference but in Christ, one with Christ, and through Christ.

Our love for our wife should not merely be human but divine.

Our prayers should not merely be human prayers asking God to do this or that but divinely human, prayers in the divine and mystical realm.

We as men in the flesh can love our wives in a divine way with the divine love.

The sisters, though they are human beings in the flesh, can obey their own husbands with Christ as their obedience.

Our life should be divine yet human, human yet divine; our life should not merely be human but mystically human.

This means that there’s something divine there.

Unfortunately, we have a concept concerning spirituality that blinds us; we think that being spiritual means this or that, when being spiritual actually means to live Christ.

Being spiritual means that we live simultaneously in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm, for we are divine and mystical persons.

We all should be human yet divine; we should be divine and mystical persons.

And this is not a performance or something that we do deliberately; this should be our normal, daily living.

Even those who are close to us, such as our spouse, friends, workmates, and close relatives, should sense that there’s something about us that is mysterious and cannot be understood.

This is how the Lord Jesus lived; when people saw Him, they saw a man in the flesh, but there was something about Him that was mysterious, for He was a divine and mystical person.

Even those close to Him said, Where did this man get this wisdom and these works of power? Is not this the carpenter’s son? (Matt. 13:54-55).

They knew Him from His childhood and grew up with Him, yet they did not understand Him, nor did they realize that He was both God and man, man and God.

Like the Lord Jesus, we should be apparently physical yet invisibly divine and mystical, living simultaneously in the divine and mystical realm as we live outwardly in the physical realm (John 3:13; Eph. 4:20-21; Heb. 4:16; 13:13).

The key is that although we are human, we live divinely. True spirituality should make us divine. This is higher. Everything in our living should be divine and mystical. This is what we see in the Lord Jesus. When people saw what He did, they were astounded and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these works of power? Is not this the carpenter’s son?” (Matt. 13:54-55). This is because all that He did was divine and mystical. God was living through Him. He was God manifested in the flesh. This is a great mystery. First Timothy 3:16 says that the great mystery of godliness is God manifested in the flesh. The divine is manifested in a mystical human way. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “The God-man Living,” pp. 530-532May we learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus. In this way, God is manifested through us, and this is a great mystery.

When God is manifested in the flesh, all those around us are amazed, for here is a group of people in the flesh who are divine and mystical persons expressing God.

1 Tim. 3:16 says that the great mystery of godliness is God manifested in the flesh; the divine being is somehow manifested in human beings in a divine and mystical way. Hallelujah!

May the Lord gain such a living among us today in the church life.

May we allow the Lord to work in us and to dispense Himself into us little by little, day by day, so that we may simultaneously live in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm.

Apparently, we live in the physical realm; actually, we live in the divine and mystical realm, for we are divine and mystical persons who live a divinely human life.

May we open to the Lord as we read the Word, especially as we read the Gospels, so that we may be infused with the Lord Jesus as our pattern so that we may imitate Him in the way of life for Him to gain all the glory.

May the Lord remove any concepts concerning being spiritual from us so that we may be open to Him for Him to live in us day by day.

May we have the true spirituality by being human yet divine, divine yet human, for HIm to live in us and be expressed through us.

Lord Jesus, we want to learn from You to live simultaneously in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm. Amen, Lord, may our living be not only in the outward, physical realm but even more, be in the mingled spirit, one spirit with You. Make us divine and mystical persons who live the divine life in the human life. May everything in our living be divine and mystical. Make us truly spiritual, Lord, as we exercise our spirit to live one spirit with the Lord throughout the day. Be manifested through us. Live in us today. May the church truly become the great mystery of godliness, God manifested in the flesh. Amen, Lord Jesus, gain Your manifestation among us today! May the divine being be manifested in a mystical way through us, the men in the flesh, for God to gain all the glory!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “The God-man Living,” ch. 10, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery Before His Appearing (2023 July Semiannual Training), week 2, entitled, The Divine and Mystical Realm.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – All I have in Adam is but sin and death, / I in Christ inherit life and righteousness; / When in flesh abiding, Adam I express, / But when in the spirit Christ is manifest…In the spirit Christ is life and all to me, / Strengthening and blessing all-inclusively; / Living in the spirit, holiness I prove, / And the triune God within my heart doth move. (Hymns #593 stanzas 1 and 7)
    – Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me, / For my very life art Thou; / Thee I take to all my problems / As the full solution now. / Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me, / In all things Thy will be done; / I but a transparent vessel / To make visible the Son. (Hymns #403 stanza 1)
    – Oh! Christ, expression of God, the Great, / Inexhaustible, rich, and sweet! / God mingled with humanity / Lives in me my all to be. / In spirit while gazing on Thee, / As a glass reflecting Thy glory, / Like to Thyself transformed I’ll be, / That Thou might be expressed thru me. (Hymns #501 stanza 5 and chorus)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister Gail
Sister Gail
6 months ago

This is an interesting portion. Perhaps a bit confusing as Christ has been parsed from Jesus ,and, we are told some “shoulds” regarding the divine and mystical realm, something which some of us may not have fully seen yet. Let us not confuse confusion with mystical. Lol

Two things: first, we are not gurus. We do not look like anything more than simple, helpful, loving human beings who offer no guile nor bitterness towards others. Our content is revealed more by what we say (or don’t say) than how we say it. We do not wear uniforms, even unofficially. We are God driven, God centered and God loving. Some may sense a difference, others not. Some may see us as “nice.” Others as simpletons and fools. Some may love us, others hate us. We are a line in the sand, like it or not. Yet, our goal is not to be set apart, God has already done that. We are to be in the world but not of it, speaking truth so God’s chosen ones will hear and come, not for us, but to Him.

Second: the divine and mystical realm is, in my experience, simply the unseen realm, a place we enter through prayer, through hearing Him, through dreams and visions perhaps. Frankly, we have very little control over it. You can not think your way into the unseen realm….it is supernatural and beyond our control. What we can do is be ready; watching, listening, gratefully giving our moments over to Him and waiting upon His will. But for now, we are here. Amen. Enjoying Him together, each together offering up our teacup of understanding, in anticipation of the blessed reunion to come.

Be blessed my brothers and sisters. Just rest in Him.

brother L.
6 months ago

We have a concept concerning spirituality that blinds us. We need to see that we should not be merely spiritual but divine and mystical. Every believer today should be a divine and a mystical person. We should be divine yet so mysterious. Even those who are close to us should be able to sense that there is something about us that is mysterious and cannot be understood. The key is that although we are human, we live divinely. True spirituality should make us divine. This is higher. Everything in our living should be divine and mystical. This is what we see in the Lord Jesus. When people saw what He did, they were astounded and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these works of power? Is not this the carpenter’s son?” (Matt. 13:54-55). This is because all that He did was divine and mystical. God was living through Him. He was God manifested in the flesh. This is a great mystery. First Timothy 3:16 says that the great mystery of godliness is God manifested in the flesh. The divine is manifested in a mystical human way.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “The God-man Living,” pp. 530-532

Stefan M.
6 months ago

We believers in Christ need to live in the divine and mystical realm and be divine and mystical persons, living simultaneously in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm. Amen!

As we live our daily life, we can pray as men to the mysterious God in the heavens. Amen, may we live such a life in this realm.

Lord, keep us one spirit with You. Thank You for all things. We want to live simultaneously in the physical realm and in the divine and mystical realm, one spirit with You!

Richard C.
Richard C.
6 months ago

As one who was both divine and human the Lord Jesus was a man of prayer, who while on earth contacted God in heaven.

As a man in the flesh He prayed to the mysterious God in the divine and mystical realm.

We too, who learn Christ, must be those who live in such a realm, who live humanly in a divine and mystical way, to the glory of God.

Amen! Lord keep us in one Spirit with You!

Moh S.
Moh S.
6 months ago

Aaaaameeen! Thank You Lord for making us divine and mystical persons!!

K. P.
K. P.
6 months ago

John 3:13 And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended out of heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven.

Eph. 4:20-21 But you did not so learn Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him as the reality is in Jesus.

Hallelujah! 😃🙋🏽🙏 Amen.

O Lord we need to pray your prayers in the divine and mysterious realm.

Our prayer ascend to the throne of heaven and yet you are in our mingled spirit. This is the mystical Divine realm which will eventually be in the New Jerusalem!


Mario V.
Mario V.
6 months ago


Thank You Lord for prayer as the practical way to enter into the divine and mystical realm

Jon H.
Jon H.
6 months ago

Amen Lord do this in us, teach us this way of life!

Ade O.
Ade O.
6 months ago

Amen, Lord 🙏🏾

“We should be persons living a life that is divine yet mystical. Our life should be divine yet human—not merely human but mystically human. This is what is unveiled in the holy Word.”

Lord, work this divine fact out in all the dear saints all over the earth for the reality of the Body of Christ. Amen and amen, dear Lord

Christian A.
Christian A.
6 months ago

Although we’re human, we should live divinely.

We should pray divine prayers which are according to divine facts, not human prayers.

Our life should be not merely human, but mystically human.

How is this possible? We must enter into the divine & mystical Christ and remain in Him, doing everything in a divine way.

May the Lord supply us with the grace to manifest Him in our daily living in a mystical human way.

agodman youtube
6 months ago

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