Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Recovery

Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. Rev. 19:7

The ultimate move of God today is to have Christ enter into us to be our life so that we may become His living members as His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all; we need to cooperate with God’s ultimate move.

We need to know what age we are in, where we are, and what is our goal. Having the prophecy of the great human image in Daniel in view, we can say that we are not at the head of gold (the Babylonian empire), at the breasts and arms of silver (the Medo-Persian empire), the thighs and abdomen of bronze (the Grecian-Macedonian empire), but at the feet, even at the toes.

Today we are in the last days, in the revived Roman Empire, and the last Caesar of the Roman Empire will soon rise up in Europe to revive the Roman Empire and lead it in open rebellion against God.

So when it comes to the human history, we are right at the feet of the great human image.

As far as the divine history is concerned, we are not in the nations or in Israel, the earthly people of God, but in the Body of Christ!

We are here aspiring to be the mighty ones, those who will descend together with Christ to be the Lord’s armies to defeat the Antichrist and his armies, and to crush human government once and for all!

So we need to be those who are daily growing in life, being prepared to be God’s army, and function as normal members of the Body of Christ, so that the Body of Christ may grow and the bride of Christ may be prepared for the Lord to return!

The Lord is waiting for a mature bride, a prepared bride; He is waiting for the members of the Body of Christ to be perfected and matured!

It seems to be relatively easy for the Lord to work with the nations and to work on Israel; it seems to be not that difficult for God to chastise Israel and arrange all the outward environment for the nations to be dealt with or for them to deal with Israel, but it is not that easy for Him to work with the church.

He is waiting for a group of people who cooperate with God’s ultimate move, some who grow in life by allowing God to increase in them, so that He may have a corporate expression on earth!

God is waiting for the Body of Christ to be joined together, knit together, so that each member would function in their measure for the building up of the Body of Christ.

We need to hold on to Christ as the Head, be joined and knit together in love, receive the operation in the measure of each one part, and function in our measure to cause the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love!

May we hold to the Head, let Him grow in us, and function and build one another up in love so that the Lord would get the mature Body that becomes His bride for His desire!

And this happens in a very wonderful, simple, yet mysterious way as we daily open to the Lord that He would make His home in our heart.

We need to pray that the Father would strengthen us into our inner man so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith; in this way we cooperate with God’s ultimate move by having Christ increase in us for the building up of the Body, the corporate expression of God.

God’s Ultimate Move is for Christ to be our Life and Live in us for the Body, the New Man, and the Bride

For just as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function, so we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Rom. 12:4-5We must see that God has an ultimate move; the vision of God’s ultimate move will keep us on the central line of God’s economy, and it will keep us in the church life in an intrinsic way.

What is God’s ultimate move? It is to have Christ – who is the mystery of God – enter into us as our life so that we may become His living members and form His Body, which is the fullness of the One who fills all in all (Col. 2:2; 1:27; 3:4; 2:19; Eph. 1:22-23).

We may not fully understand this and we may not fully even agree with this, but this is what the entire Bible – especially the New Testament – reveals to us.

God doesn’t want us to do this or that for Him; He wants to dispense Himself as life into us and make us the living members of the Body of Christ so that, as we live Christ, as we are being built up together, and as we function in our measure, we become His corporate expression on the earth.

Christ is our life. He is being formed in us. He is living in us. He is everything to us.

He is the preeminent One. He is the Firstborn of the dead and the first in all things.

This is what Paul was speaking in his completing ministry; he was speaking of Christ as the mystery of God becoming our life; as we enjoy and live out this Christ, we become the church as the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4-6) to be His Body. This is mysterious.

We can cooperate with God’s ultimate move by being open vessels to the Lord so that He may work Himself into us, infuse us, and live in us; when we live Christ, when we live in the spirit, we are the actual Body of Christ corporately.

Whenever we as believers in Christ live Christ by living in the mingled spirit (Rom. 8:4), we are the one Body of Christ, the mystery of Christ; the Body is one (Eph. 4:4), so we are also the one new man in actuality, a new creation with a new living to express the Triune God. Wow!

Eventually, as we live the Body life by living in the divine history within the human history, as we live the church life by living Christ, we will reach the reality of Rom. 12, and this will be the preparation of the bride for the Lord’s coming back (Rev. 19:7).

As we cooperate with God’s ultimate move, our spirit is burning, our soul is being transformed, and our body is presented as a living sacrifice for the Body life! This is the goal of the Lord’s recovery!

May we see what is the Lord’s ultimate move, what He intends to accomplish, what He is really doing in a mysterious and hidden way in the depths of our being, and may we cooperate with God’s ultimate move today so that He may gain the church as the Body of Christ, the one new man, and the bride of Christ!

Lord Jesus, we want to cooperate with God’s ultimate move today so that You may gain the church as the Body of Christ, the one new man, and the bride of Christ! Amen, Lord, thank You for coming into us to our life and make us the church, the mystery of Christ, to be the Body of Christ – the fullness of the One who fills all in all! Amen, Lord, fill us today! Fill our inner being with Yourself. Saturate us for the Body. We exercise our spirit to fan it into flame and be burning in spirit for You. We open our soul to Your transforming work by the renewing of the mind. We present our body as a living sacrifice for the Body life. Amen, Lord, gain the church as the Body of Christ, the one new man, and the bride of Christ!

Being Faithful to Cooperate with God’s Ultimate Move by Standing for the Lord’s Recovery Today

God’s ultimate move is to have Christ as the mystery of God enter into us as our life. Then we become His living members and together form His Body, which is the very fullness of the One who fills all in all. We do not understand this in an adequate way, but this is what is in the Bible. This is Paul’s completing ministry, telling us that Christ is God’s mystery and Christ has become our life; that we are the church, which is Christ’s mystery (Eph. 3:4-6); that the church is the Body. Those who live Christ, who live in the spirit, are the actual Body of Christ corporately. This Body is one (4:4). They are also the new man in actuality, a new creation with a new living to express the Triune God. CWWL, 1981, vol. 1, “The World Situation and God’s Move,” pp. 327-328, 354When we realize that God’s unique work today – in the midst of all the human history going on outwardly – is to work Christ into us so that He may be our life and everything for us to be the Body of Christ, the new man, and the bride of Christ, we will see that we have a tremendous responsibility!

Our responsibility – our cooperation with God’s ultimate move on earth today – is that we would satisfy the desire of God’s heart.

On one hand we must preach the gospel properly, adequately, and genuinely; on the other hand, we must teach people the Bible, bringing them to the full knowledge of the truth.

Furthermore, we must drop all kinds of religion and practices and come together according to the pure revelation in God’s word.

When we come together, we need to realize that we’re saved, regenerated, biblical, blood-washed Christians coming together to meet in the Lord’s name according to the Bible, with no human organisation.

However, even though all these things are very good, they are not what really satisfy God’s heart’s desire; what God desires is for us to live Christ, have Christ as our living, and have Him as the real contents of the church life!

What God desires is that we would live Christ, be filled with Christ, have Christ as our reality, and have Him be the contents of the church life, making every local church a golden lampstand.

On His side, God is sovereignly ruling over the world situation; He supplies us with His word, His up-to-date speaking, and with a revelation of God’s ultimate move.

We realize that God wants to carry something out; He wants to spread His ultimate move to carry out His eternal intention.

The Lord’s recovery is not just a common piece of Christian work; the Lord has shown us something of His ultimate move, and we need to bring this to Him in prayer.

We must fellowship with our spouse, with the saints around us, and with the others, and we need to pray.

The way we cooperate with God’s ultimate move is through prayer; we need to bring this matter to the Lord and allow Him to burden us with God’s ultimate move. Then we will see God’s oneness with us; we will realize that we are not here just to make a living but to live for His purpose.

When we look at the outward situation in the world history, we see that we are close to the end of this age.

The time is short; the end is close....His final move, is the carrying out of His eternal intention to have a number of His seekers, His lovers, live Christ and be the lampstand in their locality, that He may prepare His bride. All that is needed is our faithfulness. We all have to be faithful; we all must seek after Him. We must treasure this time in which we live. We must treasure the vision of the recovery, and we must treasure our responsibility. Just forget about everything else. Rise up and stand for the Lord’s recovery. This is the ultimate time for God to accomplish His purpose to bring the Lord back. CWWL, 1981, vol. 1, “The World Situation and God’s Move,” p. 335We need to be faithful to the Lord, seeking after Him, treasuring this time we live in, and living with a vision of the Lord’s recovery.

May we treasure the vision of the recovery, treasure our responsibility, forget about everything else and simply stand for the Lord’s recovery.

This is the ultimate time for God to accomplish His purpose to bring the Lord’s back, and we need to cooperate with Him in prayer. May we all be burdened with God’s ultimate move, and may we rise up and stand for the Lord’s recovery.

When we are one with God for His move, we will be blessed; this doesn’t necessarily mean that we will not lack anything outwardly but rather, that we will see our living in a different way.

We will react to our living in a different way, and we will realize that behind the scenes God is always doing something to gain His manifestation.

All He needs is our faithfulness; we all need to be faithful, seek after Him, and treasure this time that we live. May we forget about other things and realize that this is the time to cooperate with God for the fulfillment of His purpose.

Lord Jesus, burden us with Your ultimate move on the earth. Thank You for supplying us so that we may go out with Your word, spreading Your ultimate move, so that Your eternal intention may be carried out. We want to be faithful in seeking after You, treasuring the time we live in, treasuring the vision of the recovery, and fulfilling our responsibility. Lord, we give ourselves to You to cooperate with God’s ultimate move on earth. We rise up and stand for the Lord’s recovery: this is the ultimate time for You to accomplish Your purpose and bring the Lord back, so we say, Do it, Lord Jesus! We agree with You! We stand with You! Amen, Lord Jesus!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Ricky Acosta for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1981, vol. 1, “The World Situation and God’s Move,” chs. 3-7, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, A Timely Word Concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Recovery (2020 Memorial Day Conference), week 3, The Universal History according to God’s Economy — the Divine History within the Human History.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – The high gospel’s been preached; the high truth’s been released. / But we still sense a lack; is this all that God needs? / This He longs for today: some who’d wholeheartedly / Give the ground for Christ to live in them intrinsically. / God is longing for His ultimate move, / That He and we would be one eternally. / “Lord, these days are the consummation of the age. / Lord, in these days rekindle our love toward You.” (Song on, God is Longing for His Ultimate Move)
    – As God’s redeemed, sanctified elect, His holy army arrayed we stand, / And in the energizing God, we move, we battle, we take the land. / We must move today in the wheel of God’s ultimate move, / Go forth, disciple all nations, teach the divine truths, / The kingdom’s gospel spread to all earth inhabited, / Till lampstands shine throughout all the earth, / Hasten the day of the Lord’s return. (Song on, God’s Move Today)
    – O Lord, give us grace for Thy Kingdom to live, / To be trained that Thou may the reward to us give; / Make the Kingdom’s reality our exercise, / That its manifestation may be our great prize. (Hymns #947)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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