The Thornbush is Gradually Sanctified and Transformed to Become God’s Dwelling Place

Throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation we see that God’s goal ultimately is to obtain a dwelling place; what He is focused on today is building up His habitation. From Jacob’s dream in Genesis to Revelation 22 what God desires is to gain a dwelling place in man, a mutual habitation with man, where […]

Individually and Corporately we are a Thornbush Burning with the Triune God as Fire

This week we are having a closer look at the matter of the burning thornbush in Exodus; there is much more than meets the eye concerning the matter of the burning bush in Exo. 3, since even at the end of his life, Moses still recalls God as the One who dwells in the burning […]

We are a Redeemed Thornbush with the Triune God of Resurrection Burning Within Us

In Exodus 3 we have a record of God’s calling of Moses after he was in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses was caring for his father-in-law’s sheep and he took them to the back of the wilderness, where he saw something amazing: a thornbush burning with fire yet the bush was not consumed. He […]