We’re Resurrected and Ascended with Christ, having Him as Life within and Power without

After spending 33.5 years in His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus today is the God-man on the throne in the heavens in His heavenly ministry, having many statuses and doing many things; we as His people are resurrected and ascended with Christ, having Him within us as life and upon us as our power, and […]

we were seated with Christ in the heavenlies – we can live a heavenly life on earth!

This morning I enjoyed being reminded what our position is in our salvation – when we were saved, we not only received the divine life into us, but we also were raised together with Christ (Col. 3:1-2) and seated with Him in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:5-6)! Actually, even “when we were dead in offenses, God made […]