Eternal Forgiveness, Instrumental Forgiveness, and Restorative Forgiveness

We must see and realize that in the kingdom of God and in the Bible there are more than one kind of forgiveness – there are at least five, the first three being eternal forgiveness, instrumental forgiveness, and restorative forgiveness. In the Bible the word forgiveness is mentioned many times, but it doesn’t refer to […]

we need to have a thorough repentance and confession to receive a full forgiveness from God

We need to confess even the small things – everything that bothers our conscience when we fellowship with the Lord. Regularly, we need to have a private time with the Lord when we confess our sins in a fine and detailed way. Just us and the Lord, fellowshipping and praying over His Word…

we are all vulnerable to sin: we need to see the consequences to sin and repent and confess our sins

David received the highest revelation in the Old Testament in 2 Sam. 7, where God told him that He will build David a house and He will build Himself into David’s lineage… it is almost unbelievable that a person who has received such a high revelation and has achieved such high experiences can still fall […]