We’re Rooted in the All-inclusive Christ as the Allotted Portion of the Saints to Absorb Him

In Col. 1:12 Paul employs the concept of the all-inclusive land when he spoke of the allotted portion of the saints in the light, and in Col. 2:6-7 we are told about walking in Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him as the good land. Hallelujah, God the Father has qualified us, […]

Being Rooted in Christ to Absorb His Riches, Grow in Him, and be Built up in the Body

As we believers in Christ we are rooted in Christ, we grow in Christ, we are being built up in Christ, and we are also being built up with the saints into the Body of Christ. It is quite amazing to realise that we not only were regenerated by God with His divine life but […]