Being in the Light to Enjoy Christ as the Good Land flowing with Milk and Honey

The purpose of God’s calling is to bring His chosen people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, typified by the good land flowing with milk and honey; Christ is our allotted portion in the light. All the riches of the good land typify the unsearchable riches of Christ in different aspects as the […]

Our Divine Commission is to Open their Eyes and Turn them From Darkness to Light

In Acts 26:18 we see the work that we must do today for the increase and building up of the Body of Christ, and in this verse we see the all-inclusive contents of our divine commission. In particular, today we want to see that we need to open their eyes and turn them from darkness […]

being in the light and guarding ourselves from any lie, vanity, or idols trying to replace God!

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities; all is vanity. “No matter how good, excellent, marvelous, and wonderful a thing may be, as long as it is of the old creation, it is part of the vanity of vanities under the sun” – only the new creation, God mingled with man and man walking in God as the light, is reality!