Seeing the Need for Purification to Separate the Holy Seed from Anything Babylonian

 In the church life today we need to be absolutely pure, single, and holy, without any mixture; we need people like Ezra and Nehemiah to carry out a purifying work, for in every step of the Lord’s recovery, there’s the need for purification. This week in our crystallization study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, […]

Being Delivered from Hypocrisy by Worshipping God in Spirit and Gaining Christ as our Treasure

We need to beware of hypocrisy, pretending to be someone when we’re not, and hate the principle of Babylon; instead of this, we need to store up Christ as our treasure in our heart so that we may dispense Him as the treasure into others. Amen! It is of utmost importance for us to take […]

Seeing the Principle of Babylon and being Saved from Human Endeavor and Hypocrisy

This week in our deeper study of the recovery of the church we come the matter of the degradation of the church – the principle of Babylon and the way to overcome it. As those who have been shown mercy by the Lord to be in the Lord’s recovery today, we are not in Babylon, […]