Grace is the Processed and Consummated Triune God coming to us to be our Enjoyment

 Grace is the Triune God processed and consummated for us so that we may enjoy Him; grace is nothing else but the processed and consummated Triune God coming to us for our enjoyment and experience in our daily living. Nowhere in the New Testament do we see that grace is something that God gives […]

You have made Him a little lower than angels and have crowned Him with glory and honor

The Lord Jesus was made a little lower than the angels in His incarnation – in the sense of being in the flesh. Positionally, He was still the Son of God, but in the flesh, He was made a little lower than the angels. This implies His incarnation. In His incarnation, God became a man […]

Christ’s two becomings: Christ became flesh in incarnation and He became the Spirit in His resurrection

Through our faith in Christ we receive Christ into us as a living Person! This is the most precious result of our believing into the Lord – we get Christ, a living Person, to come into us and live in us! On the one hand, Christ is in the heavens at the right hand of […]