Christ is the Testimony of God and the Center, Leader, Way, and Goal of God’s People

As the One who is the meaning of the life of God’s people, Christ the testimony of God, and He is the center of God’s people, the Leader, the way, and the goal. In order for us to be formed as an army to fight for God’s interest on earth we need to take Christ […]

We need to be Pure in Heart and Poor in Spirit in Serving the Lord in the Church Life

In the church life today we need to be pure in heart and poor in spirit, and we need the be strengthened into our spirit so that Christ may make His home in our heart. Our heart needs to be pure and single for the Lord, seeking Him in purity, and our spirit needs to […]

dealing with the obstacles to God’s life in us by taking care of the living Christ

The Christian life is altogether related to the living Christ in us, and the only thing that matters in our Christian life is how we take care of the living Christ in us. Christ is revealed in us (Gal. 1:16), Christ lives in us (Gal. 2:20), Christ is being formed in us (Gal. 4:19), for […]