As we Breathe in the Lord, His Spirit comes in to Enliven us and Form us as His Army

In Ezek. 37 God told the prophet to prophesy His word over the dead bones, and then the wind, the breath, and the Spirit came; we need to exercise to prophesy God’s word, breathe in the Lord, and allow God to breathe out His word and His Spirit for His purpose to be fulfilled. A […]

Only the Spirit can Live the Christian Life, so Breathe in the Life-Giving Spirit!

The Lord Jesus promised the disciples that He will send the Spirit of reality as another Comforter (see John 14:15-16, 26; 15:26; 16:7-8, 13), and after His resurrection He came among His disciples and breathed into them saying, Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). The expected Spirit in John 7:39 and the promised Spirit in […]

being no longer “doing Christians” but rather “enjoying Christians”, those enjoying Christ as life!

The Lord Jesus did not come only as a King to “rule us outwardly” but He came as the bread of life for us to eat Him! God has no intention that man would “do things for Him” or work for Him – God wants man to enjoy God, eat God, and drink God! This […]