The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man: God wants us to Exercise His Dominion

Our God wants us to exercise His dominion on earth by participating in the spiritual warfare of the church as the one new man. God’s intention in His creation of man is for man to express Him and represent Him; He wants man in particular to represent God by having dominion over all things and […]

Christ is the Victor toward the enemy and a Drinker to His overcoming believers

In Psalm 110 we see Christ as the King (having the sceptre and ruling over the whole earth), the Priest (according to the order of Melchizedek), the Warrior (executing judgement upon the nations), and the Drinker (drinking from the brook by the way). In the last few verses of this psalm we see that Christ […]

in His ascension Christ led us in a train of vanquished foes and made us gifts to the Body of Christ!

There are some window-words in the book of Isaiah through which we can see much more, with the help of the entire Bible, than what Isaiah wrote about these matters. Such words are, as we saw before, SEED, EXTENSION, and, as Isaiah 53:12 reveals, SPOIL. Here is what this verse says, Therefore I will divide to […]