Christ is the Chief Shepherd, the Shepherd of our Souls, and our Eternal Shepherd

The Lord Jesus is the Shepherd according to God; He is the Chief Shepherd, the Shepherd of our souls, and the eternal Shepherd taking care of the inward condition of our soul. Hallelujah for our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ! The only way that we can shepherd others according to God is by enjoying His […]

Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s Heart Searching for His Sheep to Recover them

In the book of Jeremiah we see how Jehovah spoke concerning the shepherds, the rulers in Israel, mainly exposing their work of scattering the flock and promising to give shepherds according to His own heart; Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s heart. This week in our crystallization study of the books of Jeremiah and […]

Shepherding is the Key, so we need to Learn to Shepherd others According to God

The Gospel of John, a gospel focusing on God in Christ coming to be our life and meet our every need for God’s purpose, shows us how Christ came to shepherd us by cherishing and nourishing us; shepherding is the key to the Gospel of John. The Lord Jesus came not as a mighty king […]

The Lord comes as the Shepherd to Search for His Sheep and Bring them to Himself

In Ezekiel 34 the Lord Himself comes as the Shepherd to search for His sheep and seek them out, bringing them back to Himself as the pasture, restoring them, recovering them, and healing them; to shepherd is to take all-inclusive tender care of the flock. This week in our Crystallization-study of the book of Ezekiel […]

Loving the Lord and Being One with Him to Shepherd His Sheep for the Church, His Body

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and we all are His sheep; He takes good care of us both inwardly and outwardly, both spiritually and psychologically and physically. How we love our good Shepherd, and how we enjoy His tender all-inclusive care! If we read the gospels we see how He shepherded and cared […]

Christ as the Son of Man is the High Priest Cherishing the Churches in His Humanity

The glorious Christ that the Apostle John saw in Revelation 1 is different from the Christ he walked with and was with while on earth. This One was “the Son of Man”, and He was clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle (Rev. 1:13). […]

The Lord Flocks us Together, Shepherds us, and Commissions us to Shepherd Others

The Lord Jesus Christ as the good Shepherd has formed the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers into one flock – the one church, the Body of Christ. God became a man and put on human nature, and He laid down His human life so that His sheep would receive and live by His divine […]