Being True Spiritual Men doing All things in the Body for the Recovery of the Body Testimony

The Lord today is recovering the most difficult thing, which is the fulfillment of Eph. 4:11-14; God’s ultimate work is the recovery of the Body testimony – not merely the pursuit of spirituality individualistically but the corporate testimony of Jesus. We all as believers in Christ are members of the organic Body of Christ, and […]

The Lord’s Recovery of the Church has been Gradual and Progressive throughout History

If we look at church history we will realise that, even though the church became degraded, the Lord’s recovery of the church has been gradual and progressive, starting from the first century and until today. We have seen that God desires to gain the church, for He created everything and everyone for the church, his […]

What is the Lord’s recovery? We are being recovered to God’s original intention

Imagine that you received a letter from your father, detailing what he had envisioned for you in particular detail – everything he planned and arranged for you. Yet, this letter remained sealed, unopened, and the details remained unknown to you. In the absence of the knowledge of its contents, you may live your life outside […]