We Practice the Unique Fellowship of the Universal Body of Christ at the Lord’s Table

There is one Body in the universe, and whenever we come to the Lord’s table, we come to practice the unique fellowship of the universal Body of Christ, for as we partake of His blood and body at His table, we express and practice the unique fellowship among the churches. Hallelujah for the one Body […]

Christ Poured His Blood for Forgiveness of Sins and for Enacting the New Covenant

The Lord Jesus as the reality of the trespass offering poured out His blood for the forgiveness of sins and for the enacting of the new covenant. God’s righteous requirements were satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and His precious blood was shed, even poured out, for the forgiveness of sins and for enacting […]

Receiving the Spirit as the Promised Blessing and Enjoying the Cup of Blessing

How we thank and praise the Lord that today we as believers have received the Spirit as the blessing that God promised Abraham for all the nations, and we can drink the cup of blessing! In Abraham’s seed all the nations will be blessed; this means that in Christ as the Spirit, all nations are […]