Becoming Pillars in God’s Building to be an Entrance for others Deeper into God

In our prayerful study of the tabernacle with its furnishings, we realize that we need to become pillars in the Triune God, as signified by the nine pillars in the tabernacle, so that we may be one with Christ for many to enter into God’s building and even enter deeper into God Himself. This whole […]

the results of our deeper experience of God by dwelling in God as seen in Psalm 92

Psalms 90 and 91 show us a person who seeks to have a deeper experience of God by dwelling in God and taking God as his habitation. This person is Christ Himself – He took God as His habitation and He did everything in God, by God, and through God. By virtue of us being identified with Christ in the organic union with Him (1 Cor. 6:17), we also dwell in God and take God as our habitation. Psalm 92 tells us of many wonderful issues and results of our experience of God in a deeper way by dwelling in God and taking God as our habitation. [read more online]