God placed all the Members of the Body as He Willed, each to Function in their Measure

As members of the Body of Christ standing on the genuine ground of oneness, we must be limited by the other members, not going beyond our measure, for God has placed all the members of the Body even as He willed, and we each have our own function and measure. On the one hand, we […]

God’s Economy has Become the Stewardship of God Given to All the Believers in Christ

There are many aspects to arriving at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. One of these aspects is that we need to carry out the stewardship of God to present every man full-grown in Christ (see Col. 1:24-29). Paul was entrusted by God with a ministry – […]

a trainee’s testimony – the sweetest time is in the saints’ homes (the real family life)

The atmosphere in the homes is very cherishing and not religious at all. Most of all I enjoyed that this is not “the time for professionals showing of their eloquence or good Bible knowledge”. On the contrary, it is a sweet and intimate time for the family to come together to enjoy the sweetest Person in the universe together! It is indeed the real family life and actually the highest life because we all share God’s life. My desire is that this fresh taste I got this autumn I hope will continue after my time in the training so that this becomes a practical part of my daily living. [continue reading this portion of sharing from a trainee in FTTL online + add your bit of enjoyment]

I need to practically put the Lord first – and He will care for my needs! (a student’s testimony)

In this year, the most eye-opening and simple revelation that the Lord has shown me is that I need to place Him first. It is easy to say and even easier to just take it in as “a piece of advice that could be handy“. However, actually putting this word into play is much more […]