A Priest is a Person Saturated and Filled with God until God Overflows through him

As believers in Christ, we are a kingdom of priests, the corporate priesthood of God, those who are not only called, saved, and regenerated by God but who also are priests to God. The term “priest” has been spoiled and thus much misunderstood in today’s Christianity, so much so that many believers would not even […]

a trainee’s testimony – loving the Lord and building up a romantic relationship with Him

I’m in love with Him, I always loved Him. Yet coming to the training made me doubt my love towards Him. Was my love temporary? Or was it an impulsive decision? Many times, I told myself, this was the greatest mistake that I made in my whole life – to be in the full time training…. A Christian life is a life of believing in the things unseen. We have never seen the Lord – yet we love Him (1 Pet 1:8). In every circumstance, I learned to go to the Lord, confess, repent, weep, and see that I am nothing but Christ is everything. It’s heart-aching, to come to Him and say, Lord, take it away if it’s something that replaces You. I want Thy increase and my decrease. [continue reading online]

we can experience the Lord’s presence even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death

Psalm 23 is one of the most well known and often quoted chapters in the entire Bible – but do we really see what is going on in Psalm 23? We may even know it by heart, but do we see God’s economy in this psalm? Do we see the organic shepherding of the Pneumatic […]

experiencing Christ in the church life (short testimonies from some Christian Students in London)

This past university year we have enjoyed the Lord and experienced Him – whether in failures, defeats, or successes, we all learned to turn to Him and rely on Him, and we also learned how much we need the saints in the church life! Recently we had a “celebration meeting” where the students were overflowing […]

a normal healthy fear of God keeps us from God’s judgement(podcast #35 from ageturners)

We need to have a healthy normal fear of God in order for us to be preserved and sanctified in our daily living. The Lord is coming and He will judge the righteous and the unrighteous. What is it that motivates us to fear Him in the most healthy and proper way? As young people […]