A Revelation of God’s People being built up with the Triune God to be His Dwelling Place

We need to see a revelation of God’s people being built up with the Triune God to be His dwelling place on earth, as revealed in the pictures and types in the tabernacle. First, as God’s people we need to see a revelation of God Himself so that we may see who He is, what […]

Christ as the Lamb of God Took away our Sin and Opened the Way for us to Enjoy God!

Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29) – Christ as the Lamb of God came to take away our sins and our sin, and He opened the way for us to enter into God and enjoy God! Hallelujah! This week we want to enter into a deeper […]

The Spiritual Application of the Veil and the Screen in the Tabernacle in Exo. 26

This week in our time in the morning with the Lord we enjoy the topic of the Veil, the Screen, and the Two Aspects of Reconciliation, based on the portion in Exodus 26 speaking of the two entrances into the tabernacle and their spiritual application. All the items and furnishings in the tabernacle in the […]

Dwelling in God’s House by Praising Him and Having the Highways to Zion in our Heart

The goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation as seen in the book of Exodus is His building, the tabernacle; as believers in Christ, we need to go on with the Lord and experience Him as reality of all the furnishings of the tabernacle so that we may be part of His building, His heart’s […]

When we Pray we need to be in God, have God in us, and Offer Christ as Incense to God

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is interceding for us; He is at the golden incense altar offering prayers and intercessions for God’s interest, His administration, His people, and everything that is in God’s heart. Actually, Christ Himself is the reality of the incense altar: He is the One who constantly prays, constantly intercedes, […]

Being Reconciled to God and Working with God to Reconcile Others to God

All the believers in Christ who are saved and regenerated by Him are qualified to be ambassadors of Christ, those who have the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20). First of all we need to be reconciled to God, and reconciliation is a process that is taking place our whole life. We were initially reconciled […]

having the highways to Zion in our heart to be the overcomers who enter into God

We need to take a strong decision to be on the highways to Zion today – we need to pray that the Lord would produce us as His overcomers today! The Holy of Holies is Zion, the place where God is, His presence – and this is what we aim for! We are not satisfied to be “in Jerusalem”, in the general church life, but we want to be on the highways to Zion, on a journey toward Zion, by experiencing the Triune God internally for the Body of Christ in all His consummations! Today, in the church age, we need to be the God-men who are perfected and matured to be Zion, the overcomers, the vital groups within the churches. [read more online]