Having a Straight Coordination under a Clear Sky, being Hidden under the Lord’s Grace

The four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are under a clear sky, and they stretch out two of their wings straight to be joined together; as believers in Christ, we need to be in a straight coordination under an open, stable, and expanding sky, and our testimony should be coming from this coordination. It is […]

When God moves Freely among us we look like the Sanctifying God and we Have Impact

The four living creatures in Ezek. 1 are in a wonderful coordination and one accord, and there’s fire moving among them; they have the appearance of the sanctifying God, and they manifest a glorious and majestic condition. Each of the four living creatures had four wings: with two they covered themselves, and two were joined […]

The Result of Coordination is that we’re Burned, Burning, Shining, and Enlightened

The result of the coordination and move of the living creatures in Ezek. 1 is that they become burning coals and burning torches, and they move like lightning; the result of coordination is that we burn one another, we become burning, and we are enlightened and sanctified by the divine light. The first chapter of […]

being those who fellowship with the Body and consider the Body in everything

One of the most important principles of the Body is fellowship – the divine fellowship is actually the reality of living in the Body of Christ. If we see the Body, we will no longer do things by ourselves and without letting others know; rather, we will fellowship and coordinate with the other members of […]