If we know that the Lord is the only One who can fill us, why do we look for other things to fill us?

This is the question we were asked last night in the home meeting, and it is a very good one – why do we still seek after many other things when we clearly know from the Bible that only God can satisfy us? Why do we still run to other things and try to find […]

God wants us to love Him back – willingly love Him! (young people’s conference in Poland)

Recently, there was a Young People’s Conference in Poland (Lipowiec), and some loving seekers of the Lord got together to enjoy the Lord and spend a weekend together in His Word! There is so much to say about this wonderful Christ, His Word, His divine life, and His Sweetness! Below is the short but sweet […]

God created us with a free will so that we may freely choose Him

I think that we all, at one point in life, wondered about this: Why didn’t God create man NOT with a free will – why are things so much more complicated now, since there’s God and there’s Satan, and we have to choose one of them? If God would have just made us with a […]