The Base for the Increase of the Church is Establishing Small Group Meetings in Homes

The book of Acts shows us not only a record of the way the church increased to be the increase of Christ on earth, but also the four main factors or means of the church’s increase and spread: prayer, the Spirit, the Word, and the homes. First, the disciples prayed in one accord; they left […]

Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in oneness!

What is is so good about the church life? What is it so good about brothers living together? It is the Triune God! Here we are fellow partakers, joint partakers, of the grace of life! We don’t insist on being right, but we obey the teaching of the anointing within (1 John 2:27) which teaches us to abide in Him! No matter what you say / what happens, the Triune God paints you with all the elements that are compounded in the Spirit! You may insist on something – as long as you’re in the church life, you are painted, and the ingredients of the processed and consummated Triune God are applied to you! [continue reading this portion online – inspired from message 10 in the 2011 winter training]

the normal Christian life and the normal church life: day by day, glory to glory, and house to house!

Praise the Lord for the genuine church life in the Lord’s recovery! I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing me into His up-to-date move, into what He desires to do today – the Lord’s recovery! As we were watching message 10 from the Crystallization Study of the Psalms (1), entitled, Christ as the […]