the church life today is the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, a delightful place

The church life has a practical and tangible aspect to it like the meetings, the services, the arrangements, the blending, conferences, etc. But the church life also has an invisible aspect – the reality of the church life is the kingdom of God, a realm where we are ruled in love with life. Here we are under the heavenly ruling and restriction – and at the same time we have real freedom in love, with life, and under light. Praise the Lord, we can exercise our spirit and allow the divine life to rule in us in love under light – and we become part of the enlargement of the kingdom of God on earth, the church life! [read more online]

Christ as the Servant of Jehovah would not break a bruised reed nor quench a smoking flax

Christ is the One in which Jehovah delights in. At least two times in the New Testament the Father confirmed from the heavens that Jesus Christ is His Beloved, He delights in Him, and we should see and hear only Jesus! What about me? Yes, God delights in you when you are in Christ! When […]