The Best Prayer is to Pray to God as a Friend, Interceding before God in Intimate Fellowship with Him

The best prayer is to pray to God as a friend; Abraham was the friend of God, and his interceding was an intimate conversation between two friends, an intimate talk according to the unveiling of God’s heart’s desire. Inquiring prayers honor God; David knew how to pray because he often inquired of Jehovah (see 1 […]

The Answer is God’s Eternal Economy: God Works Himself into us even through Sufferings

The great answer to all the questions, especially to the questions related to why God created man and why do we as God’s people suffer, is the mystery hidden in God, God’s eternal economy. Everything happens for a reason; the reason for which all things happen is not merely so that we may learn and […]

The Existence of the Church is according to the Eternal Purpose God made in Christ

According to Ephesians, the existence of the church is according to the eternal purpose which God made in Christ Jesus our Lord, for God planned to have from eternity past for eternity future. God has an eternal purpose – the purpose of the ages, which He made in eternity past for eternity future (Eph. 3:11). […]

The Church is the Place of God’s Throne and the Place where He Dwells with His People

We need to see and realise that God desires to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and the goal of His salvation is the building of His dwelling place on earth; the church is the place of God’s throne and the place where He dwells with His people. In Ezekiel 43:1-7 we see […]

Serving God according to the Vision of God and the Pattern Shown on the Mountain

God saved us and is constantly saving us so that we may serve Him, and we need to serve Him not according to our own natural concept but according to the vision of God and of the pattern shown on the mountain, the vision of God’s economy. The experience of the children of Israel in […]

Building the Church according to God’s Plan, “the Pattern Shown on the Mountain”

Though we cannot see God physically with our eyes, if we are pure in heart and have an unveiled face toward the Lord, we can see Him face to face and we can even behold Him and reflect Him like a mirror, and this causes us to be transformed into the same image as the […]

Advancing in our Experience to have a Clear Sky and a Vision of God’s Heart Desire

In Exodus 24:1-18, after Moses has been in the glory of God for forty days being infused with God, receiving words and instructions from Him, God opened His heart to him to reveal to him what was hidden in His heart from eternity – the desire of His heart, the tabernacle, the building of God. […]