Being Saturated with God’s Holy Nature to have a Holy Living as God’s Holy People

In Leviticus God charged His people to have a holy living according to His holy nature; we as believers in Christ are God’s people, and we need to be saturated with God to be as holy as He is holy and thus live a holy life. Just as the people of Israel in the Old […]

Partaking of and Living According to the Divine Nature, the base of Gold in the New Jerusalem

The greatest sign in the Bible and the ultimate consummation of all of God’s work throughout the ages is the New Jerusalem. We need to see a vision of the holy city, New Jerusalem, and we need to realize that it is not a physical city – it is not the so-called “heavenly mansions” of […]

God is not angry with His people when they are thirsty and complain about it; rather, He cherishes and nourishes them!

This morning in my time with the Lord I was impressed again about our God – how rich, how fair, how bountiful, how loving, how kind, and how gracious God is! Our God is not angry – He takes care of His people! In Numbers 20 we see that AGAIN the people of Israel murmured […]