Being Filled with the Full Knowledge of God’s Will to make Christ Everything to us

The book of Colossians is a book concerning the great, eternal will of God, and our prayer is that we may be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will. God does everything according to His will; He has a pleasure, a purpose in Christ, and He has the counsel of His will, which is […]

Requirements we must Fulfill for us as the Church to be the Breastplate of Judgment

The central item of the garments of the priest was the breastplate, which was like a heavenly, divine, and spiritual typewriter, since it was through it that God spoke to His people; today we need to experience the spiritual reality of the breastplate in the church life and we even need to be the breastplate. […]

Being a Witness of Christ in the Things He Appears to us and Knowing God’s Will

The Apostle Paul’s living as recorded in the New Testament is a very good pattern for us. He was called and commissioned by God to testify of the things in which the Lord Jesus appeared to him and will appear to him. In other words, there were many things revealed to Paul by God, and […]