In His Ascension Christ Led us Captive and gave us as Gifts to Build up the Body

In Psa. 68 we see the many wonderful things that Christ did in His ascension; He ascended on high, He led captive those taken captive (Christ led us captive, the believers), He received gifts from the Father, He gave gifts to the Body, and all this is for His dwelling place, the church. Hallelujah for […]

being the captives of Christ in His triumphal procession scattering His fragrance

In our experience we all have to admit that many times Christ is captive to us, and we “defeat Christ” by living in our natural man, in our flesh, and guided by our self. We may not have problems with sin or with the world, but the question is, Who is Whose Captive? This is why we all need to pray, Lord, make me Your captive – never let me win! Defeat me all the time! The Lord doesn’t need “spiritual giants” but He needs little captives, those who have been defeated by Christ and who are subdued by Him. We need to cooperate with the Lord’s defeating work by praying in such a way, so that He may have a gateway to enter in and defeat us all the time. [continue reading online]