Love must Prevail in the Church Life, not Ambition, Pride, or Reviling Words

 Love must prevail in the church life; we need to keep ourselves in the love of God and be constrained by the love of Christ to lay down our lives on behalf of the brothers, and we must beware of ambition and pride. Among the co-workers, the elders, the responsible ones, and everyone in […]

Cooperate with Christ’s Shepherding to be Today’s Overcomers Consummating the New Jerusalem

In our care for the saints and fellowship with one another, we need to be restricted in our speaking, not speaking reviling words but rather, loving the saints and covering them, for we want to cooperate with Christ’s shepherding to consummate the New Jerusalem! The Lord in His heavenly ministry is shepherding us by ministering […]

Not Loving the Present evil age and Not Judging or Criticizing our Fellow Slaves

In order for us to be faithful and prudent slaves of God who do business until He comes, we need to be those not loving the present evil age but love the Lord’s appearing, and we should not mistreat our fellow believers (beat our fellow slaves) by reviling, criticizing, or speaking evil words about them, […]