Entering the Fellowship of the Lord’s Sufferings for the Church to be His Testimony

This week in our deeper study and prayerful consideration of the seven epistles to the seven churches in Rev. 2 we come to the Lord’s speaking to Smyrna, the suffering church. In Matt. 16:18 the Lord uttered the greatest prophecy in the Bible, On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of […]

Antichrist, the Mystery of Lawlessness, and what our Attitude Should Be Today

The world situation has always been an indicator of the Lord’s move on the earth, and God moves in a specific way in every age. Today there’s a mystery of lawlessness operating among men, and there’s something restraining it…. Among human society today there’s the mystery of lawlessness operating, and this lawlessness will culminate in […]

turning our tears of weeping into springs of blessings by setting our eyes on Zion

The highways to Zion is not superficial or cheap; the way of the church life demands a price that we need to pay. It is not external, superficial, or cheap. If we wouldn’t care for Christ and the church that much, we wouldn’t suffer; but as we care for the church life, we will partake of the sufferings needed for the building up of the Body of Christ. We will have sufferings related to the church, related to God’s economy, some misunderstandings from your family because you stand for the church, etc – and you may shed tears…. But the Lord turns those tears to be the Spirit! You will be all the more filled with the Spirit and released in your spirit that you may flow! [read more online]