Being Joined to God’s desire through His Word to Pray Prayers of God’s Economy

The best cooperation and service we can render to God is in prayer; we need to be joined to God’s desire and pray prayers initiated by God to echo what He is praying in the heavens. There are a few verses in the New Testament where there Lord is seemingly giving us the key to getting all […]

Being and Praying for the Overcomers who are One with God to Cooperate with His Move

God can do much more through our prayer than through our work and words; we need to be the overcomers of today who serve God by praying according to His heart and will. In this universe, there’s the divine will, the satanic will, and the human will; our will is not “free” – we need to willingly […]

Seeing how the World Situation is the Indicator of the Lord’s Move on Earth

In serving the Lord we all need to be perfected by Him so that we may serve Him in an intrinsic way according to His desire. We need to realize that today in Christianity there are many who think they are “serving God” but they do not have a proper knowledge or experience of the […]

God’s Move Depends upon Our Moving: the Church must Match Christ in His Move

In Ezekiel 1:19-20 we see that there are four living creatures, each one having a great and high wheel, and wherever the creatures went, the wheels went also. The creatures followed the Spirit, the wheels went with the creatures, and the Spirit was in the wheels – so mysterious, yet so real in our daily […]

God’s Move on Earth is by the Move of “the High and Awesome Wheels” (Ezek. 1)

The way God carries out His economy is through His move, and God’s move is portrayed in Ezek. 1:15-21 by the move of the high and awesome wheels. When we walk from here to there we don’t need wheels, but when we go to specific places we need some wheels. God has a special move, […]

Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God’s Economy (Ezekiel 1)

In this universe, there is such a thing as the will of God, and what God desires to do is not necessarily related to matters related to our personal benefit and comfort. In His will, God wants to become the life, content, and everything to His people so that He may be expressed corporately through […]

Giving God our Full Cooperation for Him to Move in the Principle of Incarnation

These past few weeks we have been getting into the matter of prayer – a man of prayer, persevering in prayer, and the need for more prayer. But why do we need to pray? What is the goal of our prayer? We need to see that without prayer we cannot be one with the Lord […]