Have Discernment in our Activities and Receive God’s Word with much Reconsideration

 We can eat the Lord Jesus by contacting the proper people, in particular contacting those who have discernment in their activities and receive the word of God with much reconsideration, for contacting people means taking in things that affect us and even become our constitution. Eating the Lord Jesus is more than just coming […]

Learning to Muse upon God’s Word with much Prayer, Considering, and Speaking to God

The key to Joshua’s having success and being prosperous is his musing on the law; our being prosperous and having success depends on our musing upon the Word of God, taking the Word with much careful and prayerful consideration. Amen! We are thankful that the Lord has shown us a vision of His eternal economy, […]

Ten Crucial Points in the Administration of the Church for our Prayerful Consideration

In Paul’s writings and in his living we see ten crucial points in the administration of the church; we need to prayerfully consider these and allow the Holy Spirit to inscribe them in the tablets of our heart so that we may live in them. As we get into the word of God and in […]

Crucial Points to Consider as we Eat, Digest, and Assimilate Christ in the Word

As believers in Christ, we need to eat the Lord Jesus by receiving Him into us so that He may be digested and assimilated into our regenerated new man in the way of life; for this, we need to eat, digest, and assimilate Christ as our spiritual food day by day. God’s economy is that we […]