Being Torn Down in our Natural Man and Rebuilt with God to be a God-man Expressing Him

What God desires is not a good and upright man who fears God and abstains from evil but a God-man who is filled with God to express God by living out God’s life. Our concepts need to be changed and renewed according to the word of God so that we may realize and be conscious […]

having a sweeter experience of the house of God as we experience God’s faithfulness

In God’s economy God wants that Christ would be our all in all – He is faithful to call us into the fellowship of His Son (1 Cor. 1:9). But for Christ to be our all we need that all we have and are in our natural man would be stripped away. We are full of ourselves, so natural, and with no element of Christ in us – we need to be reorganized, reconstituted, and remodelled with God! This is why God allows things to happen in our life, things that are not so pleasant or sweet, so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and may enjoy Him only! He wants to strip us of our idols, our ambition, our self-confidence, and our self-sufficiency, that we may enjoy Him! [continue reading online and leave your comment / portion of enjoyment]